Dancing with the Stars is a source of entertainment for many people. Namely those of us with a fascination of those whose status is mostly faded. Now comes word that Dancing with the Stars is trying to up the ante by adding more high profile celebrities to the show. The plan on doing this by offering no required practices as well as stars having a say in costumes. On the surface it sounds like it is a good way for people to become more interested in the show, but I like to believe otherwise.
Number one, which actual A-lister would be on Dancing with the Stars? I can't see someone like say Denzel clamoring to be on. A-listers have something that most people on Dancing with Stars don't have, a steady string of projects to work on. I can't believe ABC would actually try and think that someone who is actually known for doing something in the present would attempt dancing next to Maks or Karina just for funzies. I just don't see it happening.
Number two, the C-listers of past and present would have something to legitimately be mad at. The idea that ABC is adding extra perks for certain celebrities is like in gym class when coach always gave the position of team selector for dodgeball to the most athletic kid and class. It's not the best thing for anyone, it just gives the idea labeling who is more important than who when there are enough ways to do that already.
Number three, this wouldn't necessarily increase viewership because it minimizes the initial appeal of DWTS. Alot of people watch to see has-beens and reality starlets Monday and Tuesday nights and then giggle the rest of the week that these people have less rhythm than my washing machine. Real stars who might happen to be good at something else only become targets of more gossip and envy.
Number four haven't y'all heard of the rule: "If it ain't broke don't fix it?!"
News Sources:http://theclicker.today.com/_news/2011/07/25/7161792-is-dancing-finally-kissing-d-listers-goodbye
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