According to The Village Voice the real world isn't all that's cracked up to be. No, not the world as we know it but MTV's the Real World. Is anyone really surprised? All reality shows are set-up/scripted for promoting hook-ups, conflict, and drama. But there are some surprising points within the contract.
One I found interesting was that you can't blame MTV if you catch a venereal disease while filming. Does that really need to be in this contract? Well, I guess it does because of the litigious nature of the US. I mean, where else can you sue McDonald's for hot coffee? I digress, but the point is anyone who is irresponsible enough in this day and age to have intimate relationships without taking proper precautions should have no one to blame but themselves. If the last thirty years has taught anyone anything, you can't be too careful.
Another stipulation I have a slight problem with is that becoming pregnant during taping warrants termination from the show. I think that's unfair especially considering the reputation MTV's development of shows like 16 & Pregnant. Someone on the Real World, is older but not necessarily wiser so showing the repercussions of unplanned parenthood and the decisions that fall in line with it.
MTV does not consider your appearance on the show a performance or employment. Well, considering it garners both, I think they should change their tune. Is Mikey from Idaho really a hound dog or is that the effects of Susie from Colorado and tequila? I'm not trying to say that people on the Real World aren't real, but every person fits a formula that seems to replicate itself. For instance, the uncomfortable gay guy, the outspoken black girl, or the naive country bumpkin. Is it possible that every college-aged and twenty-something individual fits these stereotypes? I doubt it. MTV plays upon the obvious for ratings so therefore it becomes easier with each season to replicate.
Finally, you can't change your looks without talking to the producer. What about when you bloat from too much food in your respective filming location? What if you get drunk in spray paint your hair Bozo Red? I'm just saying it sounds easier said than done.
Well that does it, I think I'll just stay here because no one's gonna get mad at me when I decide to dye my hair ice blue and call myself Pool Princess.
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