The X-Factor debuted on Wednesday to decent ratings. But for the heavily anticipated, Simon Cowell produced extravaganza, it was a slight misfire. The ratings for Wednesday night were only at twelve and a half million, only half of what the latest season premiere, of network rival Idol netted. What happened? Why is this show not gaining enough attention?
Well, in my opinion I think people are finally tired of being over-saturated with similar shows. Besides the X-Factor on Fox, there's also American Idol, NBC's The Voice and The Sing-Off as well as general variety show America's Got Talent which also includes singing. I think people are finally tired of watching a different version of the same thing.
There's only so many approaches that a concept can take before it gets worn, which is why people are now tuning out to the supposed next big thing. This new season has proven that there is still an appetite for scripted programming that is original. Reality shows with an established audience like The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars are still proven favorites, however competition shows are really becoming a dime a dozen.
So is the celebrity judge. To be honest, they are as detrimental to the process in some ways because alot of people watch for the judge rather than the actual new or fresh talent. But then there are judges who have little recognition like new Sing-Off judge Sara Bareilles who replaced new X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger. While both aren't household names, the level of trust someone has with an identifiable and highly successful talent is greater than someone with a niche appeal.
Essentially these shows become re-launching pads for the careers of judges rather than a way for new talent to gain a foothold in the ever changing music industry. Let's be honest even though there are ten winners of American Idol, there are only about two or three who really have maintained and established success and those aren't even the winners. Take for instance Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson. While her foothold was a combination of talent beyond the Idol stage, how many more stories like that will we hear?
Here's hoping the X-Factor lives up to x-pectations.
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