"The New Girl" is poised to be a hit. Starring the super-adorable Zoey Deschanel as Jess Day, a recently dumped young woman, it relates to many issues that Generation Y faces. Jess is trying to surprise her boyfriend at home by surprising him, but discovers him cheating and has to move out. So out of necessity moves out of the apartment and moves in with three random guys she found on Craigslist.
From the beginning, it is shown that Jess is struggling with her breakup. She is watching "Dirty Dancing" on repeat and constantly sings "I've Had the Time of My Life" to the dismay of her roommates. They try to cheer her up, so they can party and eventually help find her a date.
When the guy is revealed to be a jerk, they ditch the party and find Jess.
This show has potential because it involves issues young adults face like living in a digital age, dating and commitment, and friendship. I also like how all of the characters are seemingly facing real things like breakups, priorities and work commitments. I hope this show continues in its success.
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