Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Drake's Album Leaks

 If you haven't heard, the sweater-loving Bill Cosby of hip-hop, Drake, has had his latest album Take Care leak. Drake himself isn't offended or upset. This is probably because he knows this will only build anticipation for the official release by offering a sneak peak of the tracks.
With this leak, there is a listing of lyrics from various tracks were again he mentions Rihanna for the thousandth time. I would just like to understand why he wants to keep bringing this up? Is this his version of hip-hop or is he just trying to attract attention from the public? Either way, I don't think it's necessary. Mainly because his relationship with RiRi wasn't even that long. It's one thing if they had a years long love affair like some of music's other famous couples. But also because it's just irritating. It would be like me lamenting about the fool who stole the lock on my locker in 7th grade. I understand his need for closure but how about doing it with the help of a therapist?
No matter what happens, this only serves to help build Drizzy's profile as one of the elite of hip-hop's new class. And that isn't a surprise considering he's being mentored by my favorite Gremlin, Lil' Wayne. While he continues to redefine his career by rapping and singing in  such a way that gets our attention. Whether or not it is good is highly debatable.
 But what I do find interesting about Drake is that he's honest about fame and what it has done to his life. Unlike many rappers who boast about swag and girls, he seems to understand the fleeting nature of it all. Hopefully he will continue to do this in such a way that keeps us all listening. But once again I ask, if you are going to talk about an ex-girlfriend, go to therapy first.

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