Friday, October 14, 2011

Cutting Loose

 Today marks the release of the new Footloose. And while I haven't seen the original, I'm sure this remake has high expectations (at least in terms of box-office gross). It stars former Dancing with the Stars pro Julianne Hough and former backup dancer Kenny Wormald.
 Julianne Hough left Dancing with the Stars a couple of seasons back to pursue her career in country music as well as acting and so far she's succeeded in country music while only really jumping into acting just recently. Will this movie blow her up? I don't know. Lori Singer was the lead in the original and honestly, I'm trying to remember what she was in. However, Hough has two things going for her: charm and dance moves. And she's already had national exposure so this might work.
 Kenny Wormald, on the other hand, was on the MTV short-lived reality series Dance Life which chronicled the lives of backup dancer. He's danced in videos like "Promiscuous" and went on tour with Justin Timberlake in 2007. But he really is an unknown. Kevin Bacon was very much the same way and now there's a cultural phenomenon named after him (6 Degrees of Separation). But the challenge for Kenny is that he has to bring his own spin on the role and make it a way in for himself rather than be one of those people on Where are they Now?
 Only time will tell how this movie does, but let's just hope we forget about Blake Shelton's version of "Footloose."

Goodbye, Angels

 ABC has decided to cancel Charlie's Angels a mere four weeks into the season. Why? Ratings were criminally low. I think it just goes to show that the remake train is quickly running out of steam. While some remakes have succeeded, like Hawaii Five-O, others have not.
 The reason Charlie's Angels didn't take off was probably because of lack of a name star. I know Minka Kelly is on the show, but most of us only know her as Derek Jeter's latest ex-girlfriend. Also, Charlie's Angels didn't have much of a plot to begin with so of course it's hard to make something out of nothing but a string of long hair and visuals.
 What ABC should do is try to create a new drama based off of situations people are actually interested in rather than trying to make lightening strike twice. A show that actually holds our attention and not something that we already are familiar with.
 And they should really consider trying to do something different.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lloyd Hits Below the Belt

If you've heard R&B crooner Lloyd's latest retro-fused track, "Miss That (Dedication to My Ex)" you would probably think this is a nice song about a broken hearted guy, right? Wrong. Lloyd is really singing about missing a certain part of his ex-girlfriend in the unedited version. I'm sure you're asking two questions, one: Who is Lloyd? And, two what part of his ex is he lamenting?
 Lloyd, is an R&B star with what I would consider fledgling success. He hasn't had a real huge hit to cross over on top 40, but he is very visible appearing on tracks by Lil' Wayne among others. Why is he talking about his ex-girlfriend in such a way? Well, I think you could probably attribute that to desperation for a hit and also just trying to seem cool.
  It's never cool to refer to a woman by her body parts, much less one of the most intimate parts of her body. To me, this song is a new low. Have people ran out of ideas so much that they think it's appropriate to promote the mistreatment of women by referencing them only by parts of their anatomy? Or have we accepted the fact that some people will do anything for attention rather than being cognitive of real artistry? I hope not.
 I've personally decided to boycott the song. If it comes on the radio, the dial will be turned. If it's on television, the channel will be changed. I've said many times free speech is great, but it gives no one any right to promote the degradation of women, the beliefs that sexuality is the key to romantic acceptance, and that you have to change for approval of anyone. I'm actually thinking of writing Lloyd, to let him know how I really feel because they only way change will happen is if someone speaks up.
 And believe me, you don't want to listen to this song at any cost.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Worst Album Title Ever

 Jason Derulo has gotten on my nerves more than any other male popstar this year. Why? Unlike Bieber, he doesn't have the right grooming from an elder statesman like Usher and unlike Usher his songs get stuck in your head for the right wrong reasons (hook, beat, repetitiveness). Not only that, but he lacks vocal ability, songwriting ability, and originality. If you haven't seen his videos, it could best be summed up by a panelist on the MuchMusic show, Video on Trial: "Take a Justin Timberlake video and 1/2 the budget and this is what you get."
 And what's worse he's cockily named his album Future History. If that's not dumb, then it's at least misguided. His vocals sound like they've been processed through a vocoder and a cheese grater and the songs are so bad. I don't even know how people listen to his music, it's so bad. Aside from a deceptive sample he used on his very first single, I knew he was a hot mess one-hit wonder waiting to happen. Why?
 Essentially he embodies the true qualities of The Poor Man's Male Pop/R&B star. As I mentioned earlier, his videos are cheaply made. And the concepts also show no insight as he admitted the concept for "In My Head" was based on that for JT's "Like I Love You." Let me tell you, it's as much as an homage as Beyonce's video for "Countdown" is unique.
 But back to the fact of the title, Future History. I seriously doubt we'll remember him or this album in a couple of years, much less in twenty to twenty five years like any of Jason's influences. I just hope people stop buying his music so he has time to get a real job.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bieber's Pulling A Britney

 I know that headline is alarming on the surface, but don't worry this has nothing to do with see-through bodysuits, snakes, or schoolgirl outfits. Justin Bieber is making major declarations about his personal life alot like Britney Spears did when she was just starting out. Bieber is claiming that he won't have kids until after he's married. Britney Spears infamously (and falsely) declared she's not having sex until she's married when the truth was she already had long before she blew up. Now nobody knows what Bieber is doing or not doing with girlfriend Selena Gomez but hopefully someone is going to talk to him about what he shouldn't be saying.
 Britney Spears was in the same situation, in a relationship with another high-powered teen idol, Justin Timberlake and made astoundingly grand claims about them marrying and living happily ever after. As we all know, it didn't end that way. It ended with "Cry Me A River" and for all intensive purposes, Bieber is painting himself in a corner much similar to Britney. Selena and the Biebs went public late last year after tons of rumors and sightings circulated. Britney and JT went public at the MTV VMAs in 2000 after the same kind of tabloid fodder eventually came to ahead. It was rumored that Britney was the one who pushed for the public announcement; similarly Justin wanted to tell everyone how crazy he was about Selena. Selena, to me reminds me a lot of Justin Timberlake back in the day. They both found themselves at the center of their respective projects, but tried to live without much fanfare while their respective romantic partners are caught up in a frenzy. Selena, also like JT values her privacy and tries not to talk too much about Justin unless she has to. JT, in a similar fashion would answer questions but it was obvious that wasn't what he wanted to do.
 And now with the constant quotes that Bieber is circulating he's pushing the relationship into a place that Selena isn't ready to consider just like Britney more than likely overdid the future talks with Justin. Not that it's a bad thing for young stars to talk about their future but to paint so much certainty into the situation forces their respective boyfriend/girlfriend into making heavy decisions that they are too young to face. Selena Gomez has yet to say how she sees her future and only recently has Justin Timberlake actually mentioned a future life with children.
 The point here? Never make a gland declarative statement about your relationship or personal life before you can know for sure what will happen. Britney eventually did have a marriage and children, just not with Justin. And Bieber, may end up doing the same if he doesn't quit while he's ahead. Besides, I'm sure he doesn't want to be the subject of the next breakup smash.

Bieber Babies/Marriage

Murph's Picks: The Untold Motown Story

 Motown is a cultural institution. They've helped launch many careers into the history as well as given us a great soundtrack to everyday life. While we all know or at least have heard of the artists in Motown, there is a group that  is just as responsible if not more for the success of the Motown sound.
 The Funk Brothers are the collective of musicians who played live instruments for the studio recordings of most of Motown's biggest hits. Their talents and instincts have given us some of the most memorable sounds in pop music and yet we don't know most of their names.
Assembled due to various circumstances such as trying to find a job, family obligations, or opportunity these various musicians sought a different life.
 Standing in the Shadows of Motown is a critically acclaimed documentary that details the rise and fall of these unsung heroes of music. It includes performances featuring current artists like Joan Osborne and Ben Harper, as well as interviews with the surviving Funk Brothers.
 What's most refreshing is that these are architects of live music played with real instruments which is more and more vanishing into obscurity in pop music today. This is a great documentary to watch with different generations who love music. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Beyonce Is Killing Me Softly

 If you're a die-hard Beyonce fan, please do not read this posting. If you're a semi-Beyonce fan, okay maybe you can handle this. And if you're a non-fan, well this is just up your alley. Beyonce's new video for the single "Countdown" almost gave me a mild-case of the shakes this morning. With overwhelming visuals and a very disappointing song, it's too much on the eyes and the ears.
 To be honest, Beyonce has done too much in promoting her album 4, trying to do four singles in too close of a succession, instead of trying to build the album with strong singles but my spidey sense tells me that there are no strong singles from this album. This is why we get videos overrun with too much imagery, ugly wedding dresses, and more baby oil than necessary.
 Beyonce is also preparing to have her first child with husband Jay-Z, but still that's no excuse for bad music and bad videos. To be honest, there are very few things Beyonce has done in her solo career that have really impressed me. Namely those two things include "Crazy in Love" and "Single Ladies." Other than that, it's hard to give her full credit as a solo artist.
 Why, you may ask? She hasn't really distinguished herself as truly unique. Her videos are often under scrutiny for plagiarizing other artists' choreography, fellow pop icons looks, and lacking real creativity. Now I must say, she has built a steady following but then again so have many artists who aren't around.
 When Beyonce first came out with Destiny's Child she proved to be a solid frontwoman with skills in songwriting, singing and dancing but since she broke out as a solo act it's been more about sex appeal and kitsch than really good music.
 In all honesty, I think she could have really stayed in Destiny's Child longer and figured out how to be a better solo artist. Even though she's done more, I still think the better solo artist to come out of a group in the past ten years is Justin Timberlake. I'm partially biased, but his work speaks more in terms of quality and not quantity.  People are really excited to see what he'll do next, unlike Beyonce who to me never truly goes away long enough to grant the same feelings of anticipation. Here's hoping she uses maternity leave to really get a grasp on what she should do next.