Thursday, October 20, 2011

Is the CSI Franchise Over?

 Here's a quick question: When was the last time you watched CSI, CSI: Miami, or CSI: NY? And no you can't count any reruns on Spike, USA, TNT, or A&E. I'm talking about on the good old eye. CSI has been in a slump since the genre overran television almost a decade ago. The technology, the fascinating cases, and the Who themes have all left us wanting more, but for now CSI is the least hot show on television.
 While it consistently draws in decent ratings, it really isn't leading CBS as the number one television station. That belongs to shows like NCIS and Hawaii Five-O. CSI suffered the fate of many things in pop culture by giving us too much too soon. By that I mean, too many crazy storylines, spinoffs, and character rotations you'd think you're watching Days of Our Lives. It's like when someone I won't mention puts out too much music too soon. Make us wait for it, build the anticipation and desire for new storylines and finally give us something we haven't seen.
 At first it could have been called the 21st century Law & Order, but at this rate it's looking more like the Poor Man's Law & Order.

Country Fried JT

 While Justin Timberlake is still not giving the world more sexy to bring back, he is busy trying to help artists on his fledgling Tennman label take off. The latest offering being FreeSol, a hip-hop/rock outfit based in JT's hometown of Memphis. He personally signed them after convincing them not to go to Atlanta to pursue their career in music. The result? Well, so far it's been a lot of cool promotions like the pop-up show in New York City and a couple of videos, but no national attention beyond the internet.
 Their latest single, "Role Model" follows "Hoodies on Hats Low" which also featured Timberlake. And while both of them include him, there is none of JT's signature falsetto. No. JT is going straight gangsta. And by that I mean he's trying to rap. Is it good? Umm, that depends on your definition of good. But as a fan, I've heard better and worse.
 More than that is the point of "Role Model." It is very interesting. Even though I think Justin is adapting the "jerk" character that people sometimes make him out to be, the greater point of the song is that artists/entertainers cannot possibly set the example some parents look for. And for someone who's been famous as long as Justin I think he understands the ridiculous demands the public has on him as someone who grew up in front of our eyes.
 Of course, the song is nowhere near as eloquent or interesting but I'll give Mr. Timberlake points for tackling something a lot of people don't want to address. I think we all have to stop considering celebrities role models, as hard as it may be. Yes they entertain us but they know no more about life than we do. Because if that were the case I still wouldn't laugh when Justin says yayer as if it were really cool.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet as Candy?

 Mandy Moore is set to star in an ABC sitcom about the differences that exist between the family you're born into and the family that you create when you grow up. Mandy Moore has been one of the premier examples of a pop star turned actor in the past ten years, she has had roles in many movies and several guest television spots. Will this work? Maybe.
 This show sounds interesting in the fact that people don't talk about the families that are formed when they marry, it simply becomes the primary family they align themselves to. Experiences with your first family simply become more treasured memories. However, there is always an underlying conflict between who you side with. I think this will make for interesting television.
 I say this because I think ABC and other networks are finally coming off the remake train after the spectacular failures of several shows that were reboots, remakes, or reinterpretations of the past. The biggest success stories have been original comedies. Why? Because everyone needs a laugh right about now.
 Here's hoping Mandy Moore has a successful sitcom and ABC has a new hit.