Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet as Candy?

 Mandy Moore is set to star in an ABC sitcom about the differences that exist between the family you're born into and the family that you create when you grow up. Mandy Moore has been one of the premier examples of a pop star turned actor in the past ten years, she has had roles in many movies and several guest television spots. Will this work? Maybe.
 This show sounds interesting in the fact that people don't talk about the families that are formed when they marry, it simply becomes the primary family they align themselves to. Experiences with your first family simply become more treasured memories. However, there is always an underlying conflict between who you side with. I think this will make for interesting television.
 I say this because I think ABC and other networks are finally coming off the remake train after the spectacular failures of several shows that were reboots, remakes, or reinterpretations of the past. The biggest success stories have been original comedies. Why? Because everyone needs a laugh right about now.
 Here's hoping Mandy Moore has a successful sitcom and ABC has a new hit.

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