Friday, October 7, 2011

Not Far From the Tree

 Rising young rapper and hip-hop kid, Diggy Simmons recently revealed in an interview that he plans not to curse in his music. His debut album drops this December and already young Diggy is taking a stand about his music and image. I think this is awesome.
 There are enough artists (both rappers and singers) who carelessly use profanity in their lyrics to the point, their music carries little or no meaning without it. Now, I personally don't curse and try not to- no matter how tempting it seems. I do, however, understand to let one fly occasionally, but every other word is pretty ridiculous. I will admit sometimes that listening to music is not easy because so many artists try to gain credibility through the use of profanity. I think Diggy is setting the example for a new generation by determining who he is.
 Artistry and profanity are not mutually exclusive. They can exist in different realms, but they can also work well together if used properly. Diggy is the son of Run DMC's Rev Run and certainly knows how hip-hop works. He's young, but I think with the insight of his dad and uncle (Russell Simmons) I think he'll be alright.
 Here's hoping Young Diggy keeps his promise and his values in tact.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Needs Better Content: NBC

 NBC has just announced the cancellation of a second show after a mere three episodes. Free Agents joins the Playboy Club in the first to be canceled club. Why? Well, it looked bad. I couldn't tell from the preview what the show was about, nor did it inspire me to find out. The Playboy Club was self explanatory but ended up looking like a poor man's Mad Men.
 NBC is bringing up the rear among the big four networks this season. And the quality of shows has a lot to do with it. The shows simply aren't of high quality and if they are of any quality, they lack the promotions that other networks put up. Fox smartly put the pilot of Zooey Deschanel's New Girl on iTunes for free and the full season order definitely proves they knew what they are doing. ABC even has promoted shows through various means and so far is doing pretty well. CBS remains number one because they know how to create a buzz. NBC, is still struggling.
 It's like the 1980s all over again where NBC was bringing up the rear and Fox wasn't even around. There's a possibility that some groundbreaking screenwriter could create the right show and save the network, very much like Thursday nights helped save NBC.
 Another problem that NBC has is that the shows are either really dumb or too high concept. CBS goes for front and center characters with interesting lives. Fox is all about unique situations. And ABC masters catching everyday circumstances. NBC has some good shows like The Office and 30 Rock but they have cult followings and I'm sure they're looking not to have to pay as much to the crew and actors so they'll probably have a few more years.
 The real question is how will NBC brand themselves as a network and  stay afloat or will they fold under pressure?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Viewer A

Glee went back to basics last night and it finally became the show so many of us gleeks fell in love with. The episode was entitled "Asian F" and focused on the struggles of three supporting characters, Mercedes Jones (Amber Riley), Mike Chang (Harry Shum, Jr.) and Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays).
Mike's parents were revealed when his dad (Keong Sim) marched to Mr. Figgins (Iqbal Theba) and demanded that Mike cut down on his activities because he got an A- (Asian F) in Chemistry. Mike promised to see a tutor but after talking with his girlfriend Tina Cohen (Jenna Ushkowitz) he realizes he has to live his dream of singing and dancing. After a rousing audition and surprise support from his mom (Tamlyn Tomita), he decides to fully invest in who he wants to be, not what his dad thinks he should be.
Mercedes is revealed to be a diva because of a lack of confidence in her appearance, the ongoing competition with Rachel (Lea Michele) and so much tension about who she is. Her new boyfriend Shane (LaMarcus Tinker) is definitely helping her move past the anxieties, but in return she's an even biger diva.
Finally, we see that Emma was preventing Will from meeting her parents, Don Most aka Potsie Webber and Valerie Mahaffey because they're straight up crazy. Not only do the encourage their daughter's OCD by being judgmental of her condition, but they're also ginger supremacists. That's right, they only associate with other redheads. No wonder she's been so uptight all of her life, her parents are so defined by appearances and perfection that they can't truly love who she is.
I am glad Glee is finally getting back to heart and soul matters, I think it'll boost the show in the long run.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Four Minutes to Rock the World

Madonna is rumored to be the next Super Bowl halftime act. This is after the Black Eyed Peas much ballyhooed appearance in the past Super Bowl. It does seem that the committee in charge is trying to catch a wider audience, but the question is, will it work?
Madonna is one of the most divisive artists in pop culture. Some people worship her, some admire her, others don't understand and many just wish she'd go away. Or in some cases, they feel a combination of feelings. But by inviting her to the Super Bowl presents new opportunities for the NFL to catch more than middle aged dads on a cold Sunday night.
The problem is the audience that's interested in Madonna is not always interested in the Super Bowl. Madonna has a large fan base, but it's most notably women and gay men. Not to stereotype, but I haven't heard too many straight men say their favorite song is True Blue. Not to say that men don't appreciate Madonna, but more as a sex symbol than her music.
Another issue is that Madonna may have the censors sweating like a football player in the middle of July two-a-days. Ever since the infamous Super Bowl boob-tube fiasco, the NFL safely relied on old men rock stars to bring the jams without the sexy.
It'll be interesting to see if Madonna gets the gig, because I'll make sure I don't miss those four minutes.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tickled P!nk

P!nk is about to be the latest pop star in film. She's appeared in film with her voice before because of various romantic comedies and action flicks using her music for the soundtrack. But now she's going to be alongside crossover artist Gwyneth Paltrow.
I personally think P!nk is one of the most dynamically talented singers of the twenty-first century. She has a rawness that reminds me a lot of Janis Joplin and her songs are unique in what they address.
The only thing is that I hope she doesn't play to type. And by type I mean like the cool tomboy who knows how to wail. When pop stars transition, they can't come in as the "pop star" otherwise they tank.
And history has plenty examples of tanking. For instance Christina Aguilera was the latest pop star to tank- alongside Cher no less in Burlesque last year. I think her problem lied in she waited too long and got bad advice to really go full throttle.
Mariah Carey initially tanked in Glitter, but redeemed herself by playing way against type in Precious. I really hope P!nk goes with her instincts because I think she'd make a great actress.
Her personality is always displayed through her videos which I think are awesome. And with the right script, I'm sure she'll be just as good at acting as she is at singing.