Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Four Minutes to Rock the World

Madonna is rumored to be the next Super Bowl halftime act. This is after the Black Eyed Peas much ballyhooed appearance in the past Super Bowl. It does seem that the committee in charge is trying to catch a wider audience, but the question is, will it work?
Madonna is one of the most divisive artists in pop culture. Some people worship her, some admire her, others don't understand and many just wish she'd go away. Or in some cases, they feel a combination of feelings. But by inviting her to the Super Bowl presents new opportunities for the NFL to catch more than middle aged dads on a cold Sunday night.
The problem is the audience that's interested in Madonna is not always interested in the Super Bowl. Madonna has a large fan base, but it's most notably women and gay men. Not to stereotype, but I haven't heard too many straight men say their favorite song is True Blue. Not to say that men don't appreciate Madonna, but more as a sex symbol than her music.
Another issue is that Madonna may have the censors sweating like a football player in the middle of July two-a-days. Ever since the infamous Super Bowl boob-tube fiasco, the NFL safely relied on old men rock stars to bring the jams without the sexy.
It'll be interesting to see if Madonna gets the gig, because I'll make sure I don't miss those four minutes.

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