Thursday, November 3, 2011

Soul of the South or Another Big Mouth?

 For those of you keeping count there are currently four major networks devoted to programming for African Americans and all of them claim to keep the interests of the black community in mind. Now another network is being developed to be debuted in May 2012 called Soul of the South which is targeted at blacks in the south.
 Will this be an improvement? Let's hope so. While BET is the longest running, it is the one I watch the least. Centric is an offshoot of BET, aimed at adults but is really just a bunch of reruns. Bounce has only been on the air since September but is nothing more than a bunch of reruns of Soul Train as well as some really bad movies. Finally, the best out of the bunch is TV One with interesting original programming like Life After and Unsung but unfortunately when those shows aren't on there isn't much worth watching.
 The problem isn't within the premise, it's more of an error of execution. The networks all get our attention by trying to produce quality program but for the most part settle in a rut of reruns and poorly made reality shows. If they really wanted a real viewership, they would aim for documentaries, specials, and original programs that actually tackle real issues and deep concerns within the community.
 I hope Soul of the South really does do this or at least makes a valiant attempt because goodness knows we don't need another network full of Jeffersons and Good Times reruns.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Movies Love ODB

 There's great news for those of us craving an original movie in Hollywood. There are talks to produce a biopic on ODB, the late rapper most famously known as a cutup and a member of the infamous Wu Tang Clan. Tracy Morgan and Eddie Griffin are competing for the role.
 I'm very excited about this because ODB, although not the best decision maker, was one of the most colorful rappers in the pre-Kanye era of hip-hop. He wasn't so much boisterous so much as awkward, interrupting awards shows saying things like, "ODB loves the kids." While this might have been disturbing coming from someone else, it was pure comedy gold coming from ODB.
 And while we can still go back like babies and pacifiers in song, we don't know the whole story of his journey with the Wu, his problems, and his music. Let's just hope nobody messes up the soundtrack by trying to cover his classic jams like "Shimmy Shimmy Ya."
 I look forward to this and as ODB would, say, "This one's for the children!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kung Fu For You (Not Me)!

 If you haven't heard the latest retro thing to get the remake/reboot/recycle/re-stop it now please treatment is Kung Fu. Yes, I said Kung Fu not Dong Fu, Wong Fu, or To Young Fu but Kung Fu. Kung Fu was a cult classic that featured a very white person (David Carradine) playing a very Asian kung fu master. It was perhaps the most famous instance of yellowface in pop culture. 
 Why is this becoming a movie? People need a paycheck and unfortunately the people that cut those checks can't possibly find a way to create an actual 9-5 for you and me but decidedly make a movie that may waste more time and money than a "Kardashian Wedding."
 Bill Paxton is in talks to direct and I hope for his sake he says no. And we should all say no. Enough with these bad ideas for rehashing the past. I'd like to look forward to a movie for once. Not say, " I wouldn't even watch that on FX on a Friday Night."
 I'm sure some poor sap will watch this movie and some sap will get a nice check. As for you and me, let's hope we can just get some kind of laugh out of this thing in about a year when it flops.

BW Hits Primetime

 Brian Williams has to be one of the funniest people in television whose job does not explicitly include making you laugh. From his funny appearances on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, nobody "Slow Jams the News" quite like our man BW.
 He hosted "Today" this past Friday in place of good friend Matt Lauer and gained instant laughs just by complaining how he missed the World Series. BW also is very funny when giving the news, giving some of the more frivolous headlines a breath of fresh air.
 Last night, his newsmagazine "Rock Center" debuted to okay reviews and ratings. It was NBC's last-ditch attempt to reconcile the disaster that was "The Playboy Club" and it just might work. Williams has enough contributions from fellow journalists like Kate Snow and Richard Engel and he even got props from the realest fake anchor around, John Stewart.
 I have yet to personally watch the show myself, but if it's like anything else BW does, it'll be worth at least one try.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Queen Returns to Daytime

 Now from the title I'm guessing your mind is going to Oprah. No, sorry folks. The Queen I'm talking about is all  about UNITY and respect, but of a different generation. Queen Latifah herself is giving daytime another shot in 2013.
 For those of us who remember she hosted a brief syndicated outlet from 1999-2001. I'd like to hope she injects a new flava (get it?!) to the genre. Ellen has taken over for nice talk shows, Anderson is trying to bring his journalism to the genre, and Rosie.. well uh I haven't watched her yet. Anyways, I hope Queen Latifah brings her personality to the genre as well as her insight.
 However, I will warn you getting excited about Queen La's return to daytime. If you happened to watch the 2010 BET Awards you know what I mean. While everyone loves Queen Latifah, unfortunately it didn't translate to the event.
 Hopefully she can do a lot better with this new opportunity!

Latifah Daytime

My Favorite Trilogy

 I like a lot of movies and  I like of series television, but hands down my favorite trilogy has nothing to do with either. For those of you who don't know, History of Rap 3 was dropped on us courtesy of JT and Jimmy Fallon last Friday.
 JT was there to promote his sci-fi thriller In Time which opened at a respectable third this weekend, but the real headline grabber was he and Jimmy Fallon's final epic in the rap saga that teaches us how to rhyme on time. Now, I know because of the date you were probably expecting something else, but hey, it's my blog!
 Anyways enjoy the last in a great saga!