Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kung Fu For You (Not Me)!

 If you haven't heard the latest retro thing to get the remake/reboot/recycle/re-stop it now please treatment is Kung Fu. Yes, I said Kung Fu not Dong Fu, Wong Fu, or To Young Fu but Kung Fu. Kung Fu was a cult classic that featured a very white person (David Carradine) playing a very Asian kung fu master. It was perhaps the most famous instance of yellowface in pop culture. 
 Why is this becoming a movie? People need a paycheck and unfortunately the people that cut those checks can't possibly find a way to create an actual 9-5 for you and me but decidedly make a movie that may waste more time and money than a "Kardashian Wedding."
 Bill Paxton is in talks to direct and I hope for his sake he says no. And we should all say no. Enough with these bad ideas for rehashing the past. I'd like to look forward to a movie for once. Not say, " I wouldn't even watch that on FX on a Friday Night."
 I'm sure some poor sap will watch this movie and some sap will get a nice check. As for you and me, let's hope we can just get some kind of laugh out of this thing in about a year when it flops.

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