Thursday, November 3, 2011

Soul of the South or Another Big Mouth?

 For those of you keeping count there are currently four major networks devoted to programming for African Americans and all of them claim to keep the interests of the black community in mind. Now another network is being developed to be debuted in May 2012 called Soul of the South which is targeted at blacks in the south.
 Will this be an improvement? Let's hope so. While BET is the longest running, it is the one I watch the least. Centric is an offshoot of BET, aimed at adults but is really just a bunch of reruns. Bounce has only been on the air since September but is nothing more than a bunch of reruns of Soul Train as well as some really bad movies. Finally, the best out of the bunch is TV One with interesting original programming like Life After and Unsung but unfortunately when those shows aren't on there isn't much worth watching.
 The problem isn't within the premise, it's more of an error of execution. The networks all get our attention by trying to produce quality program but for the most part settle in a rut of reruns and poorly made reality shows. If they really wanted a real viewership, they would aim for documentaries, specials, and original programs that actually tackle real issues and deep concerns within the community.
 I hope Soul of the South really does do this or at least makes a valiant attempt because goodness knows we don't need another network full of Jeffersons and Good Times reruns.

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