Tuesday, November 1, 2011

BW Hits Primetime

 Brian Williams has to be one of the funniest people in television whose job does not explicitly include making you laugh. From his funny appearances on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, nobody "Slow Jams the News" quite like our man BW.
 He hosted "Today" this past Friday in place of good friend Matt Lauer and gained instant laughs just by complaining how he missed the World Series. BW also is very funny when giving the news, giving some of the more frivolous headlines a breath of fresh air.
 Last night, his newsmagazine "Rock Center" debuted to okay reviews and ratings. It was NBC's last-ditch attempt to reconcile the disaster that was "The Playboy Club" and it just might work. Williams has enough contributions from fellow journalists like Kate Snow and Richard Engel and he even got props from the realest fake anchor around, John Stewart.
 I have yet to personally watch the show myself, but if it's like anything else BW does, it'll be worth at least one try.

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