Monday, October 31, 2011

A Queen Returns to Daytime

 Now from the title I'm guessing your mind is going to Oprah. No, sorry folks. The Queen I'm talking about is all  about UNITY and respect, but of a different generation. Queen Latifah herself is giving daytime another shot in 2013.
 For those of us who remember she hosted a brief syndicated outlet from 1999-2001. I'd like to hope she injects a new flava (get it?!) to the genre. Ellen has taken over for nice talk shows, Anderson is trying to bring his journalism to the genre, and Rosie.. well uh I haven't watched her yet. Anyways, I hope Queen Latifah brings her personality to the genre as well as her insight.
 However, I will warn you getting excited about Queen La's return to daytime. If you happened to watch the 2010 BET Awards you know what I mean. While everyone loves Queen Latifah, unfortunately it didn't translate to the event.
 Hopefully she can do a lot better with this new opportunity!

Latifah Daytime

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