Tuesday, November 22, 2011

VH1 Divas is Back

Now with most of you thinking that there aren't any specials for those of us who actually like music that you don't need an urban dictionary app for, we're in luck. VH1's much acclaimed Divas is back and airs December 19th. But the real excitement is that the theme for this year is soul. And in particular soulful cities like Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Philadelphia and London. It looks to be awesome.
 Featured performers include Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Chaka Khan, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, Estelle, and non-divas Boyz II Men and Travie McCoy. While every artist isn't a headliner, it looks to be interested and Divas is well known for dynamic twists on classic cuts, mash-ups, and great duets. And with the Roots is the house band, there's no reason not to miss this. I know I won't.

Divas Lineup

The Target Lady Scares Me

I used to think the Target lady that really scared me was Kristen Wiig's infamous incarnation of the bowl cut, word mispronouncing not employee of the year. But Maria Bamford's Rocky-esque character in the Target commercials takes the cake. She is cray-cray (super crazy) to the extreme.
Anyone who likes shopping this much has problems. And I say that with love and affection. Unfortunately I can't give you the number to a psychiatrist, but after you read this and still want to shop, please use Google to help yourself.
 I know some people say it's all in good fun, but it's too much for me. I know it's important to save money, but it shouldn't be more important than say a good meal with the people you cherish most. But this lady, well, let's just say I hope you act more like this:
Than This:

An Offer He Should Have Refused?

 Francis Ford Coppola, legendary Hollywood director now admits he shouldn't have made the "Godfather" sequels in the years after the iconic debut of the franchise. And nearly several years after one of the most acclaimed sequels in "Godfather" 2, it seems like a statement of regret.
 I've never seen any of the "Godfather" films. And that is partially because of the violent nature of the films as well as the deeply entangled plot about the Mob. It's not that I think all movies with violence are bad. I did see "The Departed", but it took me a while to get over the gross amount of violence featured in the flick.
 But as much as the average guy loves "Godfather", there's much to be said for the unnecessary appropriation of sequels in modern cinema. There isn't a "Casablanca 2" or a "Gone with the Wind: It's Still Blowing Kinda." It ended when it ended. And maybe what Coppola is trying to say he should have left with a bang than go out with a whimper. However as much as he'd like to change the account of the past, he can't rewrite the script that made him an icon.
Only One Godfather?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jenny from the (Fiat) Block

 Perhaps the most talked about performance of last night's American Music Awards (AMAs) was Jennifer Lopez's bodysuit clad, Fiat endorsement of a performance. This was supposed to be a comeback celebration, but I doubt anyone wants J Lo to comeback from anything but selling out. The Fiat located on the middle of the stage, essentially was the other star of the performance.
 Now the question at hand is, Is it okay for celebrities to blatantly endorse products? Yes, but it's not okay for it to be incorporated in such a way that people are insulted. The early days of television were primarily sponsored by companies like GE. But did they sit on top of a GE washer while actually in the show? Well, I'm not sure but people weren't upset.
 I understand why celebrities, especially musicians want to endorse a product. The music business is no longer based on sales, but touring and if you don't tour regularly, well that money's got to come from somewhere. Unfortunately for J Lo, she's not only a musician but an actress and an entrepreneur so this makes her look even worse. She not only has a steady income, but she also has a well-paid gig on American Idol as the new Paula.
 But then again she is going through a divorce. And about to enter the murky world of single motherhood, so maybe we should give her a break. Okay, maybe not but let's at least admire the fact she still wears flesh tones on live television.