Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Target Lady Scares Me

I used to think the Target lady that really scared me was Kristen Wiig's infamous incarnation of the bowl cut, word mispronouncing not employee of the year. But Maria Bamford's Rocky-esque character in the Target commercials takes the cake. She is cray-cray (super crazy) to the extreme.
Anyone who likes shopping this much has problems. And I say that with love and affection. Unfortunately I can't give you the number to a psychiatrist, but after you read this and still want to shop, please use Google to help yourself.
 I know some people say it's all in good fun, but it's too much for me. I know it's important to save money, but it shouldn't be more important than say a good meal with the people you cherish most. But this lady, well, let's just say I hope you act more like this:
Than This:

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