Friday, October 7, 2011

Not Far From the Tree

 Rising young rapper and hip-hop kid, Diggy Simmons recently revealed in an interview that he plans not to curse in his music. His debut album drops this December and already young Diggy is taking a stand about his music and image. I think this is awesome.
 There are enough artists (both rappers and singers) who carelessly use profanity in their lyrics to the point, their music carries little or no meaning without it. Now, I personally don't curse and try not to- no matter how tempting it seems. I do, however, understand to let one fly occasionally, but every other word is pretty ridiculous. I will admit sometimes that listening to music is not easy because so many artists try to gain credibility through the use of profanity. I think Diggy is setting the example for a new generation by determining who he is.
 Artistry and profanity are not mutually exclusive. They can exist in different realms, but they can also work well together if used properly. Diggy is the son of Run DMC's Rev Run and certainly knows how hip-hop works. He's young, but I think with the insight of his dad and uncle (Russell Simmons) I think he'll be alright.
 Here's hoping Young Diggy keeps his promise and his values in tact.

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