Thursday, October 20, 2011

Is the CSI Franchise Over?

 Here's a quick question: When was the last time you watched CSI, CSI: Miami, or CSI: NY? And no you can't count any reruns on Spike, USA, TNT, or A&E. I'm talking about on the good old eye. CSI has been in a slump since the genre overran television almost a decade ago. The technology, the fascinating cases, and the Who themes have all left us wanting more, but for now CSI is the least hot show on television.
 While it consistently draws in decent ratings, it really isn't leading CBS as the number one television station. That belongs to shows like NCIS and Hawaii Five-O. CSI suffered the fate of many things in pop culture by giving us too much too soon. By that I mean, too many crazy storylines, spinoffs, and character rotations you'd think you're watching Days of Our Lives. It's like when someone I won't mention puts out too much music too soon. Make us wait for it, build the anticipation and desire for new storylines and finally give us something we haven't seen.
 At first it could have been called the 21st century Law & Order, but at this rate it's looking more like the Poor Man's Law & Order.

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