Friday, October 14, 2011

Goodbye, Angels

 ABC has decided to cancel Charlie's Angels a mere four weeks into the season. Why? Ratings were criminally low. I think it just goes to show that the remake train is quickly running out of steam. While some remakes have succeeded, like Hawaii Five-O, others have not.
 The reason Charlie's Angels didn't take off was probably because of lack of a name star. I know Minka Kelly is on the show, but most of us only know her as Derek Jeter's latest ex-girlfriend. Also, Charlie's Angels didn't have much of a plot to begin with so of course it's hard to make something out of nothing but a string of long hair and visuals.
 What ABC should do is try to create a new drama based off of situations people are actually interested in rather than trying to make lightening strike twice. A show that actually holds our attention and not something that we already are familiar with.
 And they should really consider trying to do something different.

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