Monday, August 15, 2011

Kate Plus 8 Minus Checks

 It was announced today that TLC is cancelling Kate Plus 8 after a combined total of 150 episodes. While you begin to cry and wail into your coffee, this is wonderful for those of us who demand real entertainment.
 I've only seen a couple of episodes of John+Kate/Kate Plus 8 and let me tell you it was worse than watching paint dry. Yeah, I said it. It's worse than watching paint dry. John+Kate was so horrifically tense that you could tell there was a breakup looming. But worse than that was the way she berated John; for a moment in time it had me feeling sorry for John until the whole dating your family friend's daughter thing broke out. Kate, I can see how she suffered but she still had too many reasons for keeping the cameras on her kids.
 The kids are who I've always sided with. In any kind of limelight affair, the kids always face the most scrutiny because they are the most innocent. People who have a chance to grow up before cameras are involved, at least have more of a fighting chance. I sincerely hope this gives these kids what every child around the world deserves a happy, healthy, encouraging and empowering childhood surrounded by love, family, learning and not cameras.
 Kate Gosselin, for some reason has become a model mom. I think so many women have become stuck in this rut of looking for women who supposedly are great mothers. Women in the limelight like Mrs. Obama, Angelina Jolie, and Heidi Klum. These women do have the tough task of balancing family and career, but it was their choice. They didn't want to have it any other way. My problem with Kate is that she used her family to get a career instead of getting a job she could do.
 Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that TLC figures out how to actually give us something that we don't see in everyday life.,,20518349,00.html

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