Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oops! She Did It Again!

Michele Bachmann has unfortunately been the target of several political attacks and personal guffaws in the past couple of weeks. However, yesterday she really did herself in by saying "Happy Birthday" to Elvis instead of  commemorating his passing some thirty four years ago.So in honor of the presidential candidate I present five things a presidential candidate must know to be pop culture savvy (at least in my opinion).

1. Have a List of Favorite Shows to Reference
I've seen this in several interviews with candidates and politicians; reporters will ask a question about a particular show and the candidate/politico has to be quick on their feet to make the appropriate reference. Shows that bid well are those with critical acclaim and plots such as Lost and Mad Men. This way, no one can accuse you of being a rerun politician if you happen to slip in a Matlock reference.

2. Keep Up With the Kids
President Obama, while not in the highest of favor politically, has always been culturally astute. At his inauguration, he mentioned guest performer Beyonce`'s "Single Ladies" as well as the infamous SNL clip featuring Justin Timberlake. He got double brownie points. Not only that but he's had acts his daughters' favorite artists such as the Jonas Brothers perform for special events.

3. Playlist It
Do not mention rather or not you have an iPod, have a list of songs that inspire you for the campaign trail or in personal downtime. Mitt Romney didn't do too well in the polls, but he knew when to sing the praises of his favorite artists. Once again, be yourself. Don't say you listen to Kanye West and then get caught on Google the next day, be honest.

4. Netflix Like You Mean It
Everyone has favorite movies. Don't throw yourself into a tizzy saying you know the Best Picture Nominees at the Oscars. Just mention films that inspire you and don't be obvious. A good mix of currents and classics is good enough. If you don't know that many films, fess up, don't hide.

5. SNL is Your Friend
If you've learned anything from SNL in the last election, be absolutely sure you can poke fun at yourself or laugh at the clips on SNL. Obama, Hilary Clinton, John McCain, and Sarah Palin all made appearances and got in on the joke. Whether or not is irrelevant, SNL is giving you access to the youth vote and another side of yourself; take advantage of that.

I'm sure Michele Bachmann is now aware of this as she corrected herself today. However, I'm sure next time she won't get caught sleeping.

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