Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Singers Still Exist!

 It's been a long time and I shouldn't have left you with a good post to read. Sorry that I've been gone so long but it seems the past couple of weeks have been a stalemate in terms of finding good postings to provide so I wanted to hold off. But if you're back, thank you for coming back.
 Vh1 Divas Celebrate Soul was a wonderful program that I urge anyone who loves soul or pop music past or present will enjoy this program. It features people who don't need auto-tune (except maybe Travie McCoy) to sound good.
 The show was centered around cities that are hubs of soul music both past and present such as Philadelphia, London, Chicago, Memphis, and Detroit. And I really enjoyed the couplings of artists. The show opened with Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson and Mary J. Blige doing a medley of the Supremes and their own hits in Motown style. And from there it only got better.
 The only artists missing were probably Christina Aguilera who seems to be caught up with The Voice and denouncing rumors of a breakdown and Adele who is still recovering after vocal surgery. Other than that, I loved the performers there.
 Some standouts were former Floetry singer Marsha Ambrosius, neo-soul breakout Ledisi, and of course icons like Chaka Khan and Mavis Staples.
 I highly recommend watching or tivoing this program, you will not regret it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Rock and A Hard Place

 Nicole Scherzinger aka the only Pussycat Doll we can identify by name had to make a troublesome decision last night in the X Factor eliminations. However instead of making the tough calls, she acted more like Rachel Crow, the thirteen year old being eliminated.
Let me be clear, I haven't watched the X Factor beyond the clips and soundbites on the entertainment news shows. But I am well aware of the judges' constant bickering, contestants' attitudes and anxieties, and the general tepid nature of the show.
 Last night, Scherzinger decidedly didn't vote and the deadlock sent the decision to a higher authority who sent Rachel home. Rachel collapsed but ultimately knew this wasn't her end. Nicole, well. She continued to hear booing from the crowd and disappeared at the end of the show.
 This incident pretty much illuminates the core problems of shows like the X Factor. Judging is never easy or completely objective. The judges have to place themselves in the ears and expectations of the audience. And that's hard when these shows rely on judges who aren't complete household names in their own right.
 And it's not just Scherzinger who isn't that well known beyond the musically fickle youth. You can also lump Sara Bareilles a relatively new singer/songwriter in that category. Ironically enough she replaced Scherzinger on the Sing Off. Not that her musical insights are wrong, but let's be honest if we don't know the name of the person on the screen, it's harder to trust them. Now there is one show that did get it right. NBC's The Voice has the perfect combination of talented judges and a unique approach that sets them apart.
 But this latest happening only challenges the authority and insights of the ever-changing television landscape. They may have the money, but they don't always have the power.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Halftime Girl

 It's been officially confirmed that Madonna is serving as the Halftime entertainment for the upcoming 46th Superbowl this February. It's been rumored since October that the Material Girl would be doing the big show and now that it's confirmed, one has to wonder what the NFL is thinking.
 No offense but Madonna is not the first artist I associate with football. Up until a couple of months ago, it was Hank Williams Jr. But since his foot was formally introduced to his mouth, that's a no go. I know that the NFL wants to include as many demographics as possible, but Madonna doesn't sound like an artist most families or football dads can relate to.
 Well, it's obvious that we don't want to see a repeat of the 2004 nip slip seen around the world, it's also a brazen reminder that youthful ad demographics and football don't mix. I'm sure that previous acts were unknown by the biggest demographic until they were on the Superbowl.
 However, with Madonna she automatically carries an audience because she is such an icon. And in that, an icon known for wagging tongues with her controversial approach to her music and image. Well, we can at least know this won't be a boring set like the lean years post JJ and JT at the Superbowl.
 Here's hoping for a brilliant, not crazy nor drab expression of self and music at the Superbowl for once.

Madonna Superbowl

Friday, December 2, 2011

History of Hip-Hop

 I was really excited this morning to hear that there's an actual hip-hop sociology class at the prestigious Georgetown University focused on the one and only Jay-Z. This makes me wish I could pay another semester's worth of tuition just to take a class like that. When I was in college there was a course on hip-hop history as well as DJ history but since I happened to not receive the best registration time, it was an unfulfilled dream.
 However as much as I'd like to revisit the days of yore, I'm glad this class is being offered. Now of course some of you reading may have a disdain for hip-hop but let's face it, it's not going anywhere. And for all the criticism it endures, the same could be applied to other genres. Hip-hop is targeted mainly because it was a genre that broke the unwritten rules of music, but didn't rock and roll? Either way, how hip-hop has influenced our culture is very important.
 I will be honest and say, I'm not the biggest hip-hop head but I respect and appreciate it's finer points. There are so many things about it that give commentary to society and race that are fascinating. It also serves as a great way to have a good time. I mean who doesn't get happy to hear "Rapper's Delight?"
 Anyways, Professor Michael Eric Dyson used Jay-Z since he is considerably the greatest living rapper and a multi-media mogul who has transitioned into the mainstream due to his business savvy and his commitment to helping others in music and in life. I think Jay-Z is the best ambassador of new school hip-hop with old school ideas. I read Decoded over the summer and it is one of the most fascinating books you can read. Jay-Z talks about his rhymes as I would imagine Shakespeare mentioned his works.
 Word play, cultural references, and analogies frame his work and more importantly he says his rhymes are not all fact. Will this soothe the parents in middle America? I doubt it, but if you don't understand something, the best way to learn about it is to immerse yourself in it.
 The clip from "Today" shows kids at Georgetown doing just that, immersing themselves in issues they may not have experienced. While there are students who understand Jay-Z's raps from a personal standpoint, the class seems to open all of the students' eyes to the complexities of everyday life and how we're more alike than different. Now that's what I call higher learning.

Jay-Z Class

Dumb and Dumber

 If you've heard in the past couple of days Vinnie of Jersey Shore fame recorded a rap song (ear curdling scream #1) and in one verse talks about having sex with some poor drunk guidette "like he's raping it" (ear curdling scream #2). It was bad enough he insulted our musical intelligence by releasing music, it's even worse that he's mentioned something as horrible and sensitive as rape.
 Whoever gave him this opportunity needs to be slapped and so does Vinnie. When has rape ever been a popular subject? And if it has, is it ever appropriate to mention it in the same breath as consensual sex? Okay then, you see my point. Rape is a horrible experience that should never be compared to pleasure in any way.
 And furthermore, it is in bad taste to actually think you can change the public opinion in the confines of a rap song. No matter if you are a publicity hound like these cray-crays from Seaside Heights or Slim Shady himself, it's never going to work.
 My thing is this, it's bad enough we have to deal with these fools in reality television, but how about for once not letting them impose their stupidity in other mediums. There's enough stupidity from career musicians to solve that problem.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

JB Aims for a JT

 Justin Bieber just released his Christmas album which debuted at number one on the Billboard charts. Now, he's readying his next release for early 2012. However, in place of "Baby", the vibe he's looking to attract is one of "Lady."
 Is it possible? Well, that depends on the appetite of the Belieber community and the quality Bieber is looking to give his fans. In a recent interview with MTV, he stated that he's inspired by fellow teen star turned adult megastar Justin Timberlake and his FutureSex/LoveSounds album. Not necessarily by the content, but the idea of a new sound.
 Unfortunately, I think it may not work unless he really focuses on being a pure expression of his life at the moment. What made Justin Timberlake's effort succeed was the fact that he was older and people saw him in such a way.
 When we (or maybe I) look at Justin Bieber, I think of the annoying kid I went to school with. However, to be fair that can be said for a lot of people in show business but I digress. Justin Bieber is part of another generation and to me, his image has been so managed and staged, that it's hard to know what he really wants to do.
 Now of course, I'm not talking about his charity efforts, I applaud the fact that he aims to give back and cherish his fans. But in terms of his musical persona, I can't see any real maturity.
 But then again, it might work to his advantage. He could surprise us or not. Either way, it'll be a water-cooler moment.

Bieber Wants to Grow Up

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

VH1 Divas is Back

Now with most of you thinking that there aren't any specials for those of us who actually like music that you don't need an urban dictionary app for, we're in luck. VH1's much acclaimed Divas is back and airs December 19th. But the real excitement is that the theme for this year is soul. And in particular soulful cities like Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Philadelphia and London. It looks to be awesome.
 Featured performers include Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Chaka Khan, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, Estelle, and non-divas Boyz II Men and Travie McCoy. While every artist isn't a headliner, it looks to be interested and Divas is well known for dynamic twists on classic cuts, mash-ups, and great duets. And with the Roots is the house band, there's no reason not to miss this. I know I won't.

Divas Lineup

The Target Lady Scares Me

I used to think the Target lady that really scared me was Kristen Wiig's infamous incarnation of the bowl cut, word mispronouncing not employee of the year. But Maria Bamford's Rocky-esque character in the Target commercials takes the cake. She is cray-cray (super crazy) to the extreme.
Anyone who likes shopping this much has problems. And I say that with love and affection. Unfortunately I can't give you the number to a psychiatrist, but after you read this and still want to shop, please use Google to help yourself.
 I know some people say it's all in good fun, but it's too much for me. I know it's important to save money, but it shouldn't be more important than say a good meal with the people you cherish most. But this lady, well, let's just say I hope you act more like this:
Than This:

An Offer He Should Have Refused?

 Francis Ford Coppola, legendary Hollywood director now admits he shouldn't have made the "Godfather" sequels in the years after the iconic debut of the franchise. And nearly several years after one of the most acclaimed sequels in "Godfather" 2, it seems like a statement of regret.
 I've never seen any of the "Godfather" films. And that is partially because of the violent nature of the films as well as the deeply entangled plot about the Mob. It's not that I think all movies with violence are bad. I did see "The Departed", but it took me a while to get over the gross amount of violence featured in the flick.
 But as much as the average guy loves "Godfather", there's much to be said for the unnecessary appropriation of sequels in modern cinema. There isn't a "Casablanca 2" or a "Gone with the Wind: It's Still Blowing Kinda." It ended when it ended. And maybe what Coppola is trying to say he should have left with a bang than go out with a whimper. However as much as he'd like to change the account of the past, he can't rewrite the script that made him an icon.
Only One Godfather?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jenny from the (Fiat) Block

 Perhaps the most talked about performance of last night's American Music Awards (AMAs) was Jennifer Lopez's bodysuit clad, Fiat endorsement of a performance. This was supposed to be a comeback celebration, but I doubt anyone wants J Lo to comeback from anything but selling out. The Fiat located on the middle of the stage, essentially was the other star of the performance.
 Now the question at hand is, Is it okay for celebrities to blatantly endorse products? Yes, but it's not okay for it to be incorporated in such a way that people are insulted. The early days of television were primarily sponsored by companies like GE. But did they sit on top of a GE washer while actually in the show? Well, I'm not sure but people weren't upset.
 I understand why celebrities, especially musicians want to endorse a product. The music business is no longer based on sales, but touring and if you don't tour regularly, well that money's got to come from somewhere. Unfortunately for J Lo, she's not only a musician but an actress and an entrepreneur so this makes her look even worse. She not only has a steady income, but she also has a well-paid gig on American Idol as the new Paula.
 But then again she is going through a divorce. And about to enter the murky world of single motherhood, so maybe we should give her a break. Okay, maybe not but let's at least admire the fact she still wears flesh tones on live television.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TV Heartbreak

 If you saw the drama of last night's "How I Met Your Mother" it was heartbreakingly real. Real in the way that we haven't seen from a television couple recently. And while Barney and Robin aren't a couple, they were and in some ways are more of a couple not together than they were together. But with the infidelity that occurred between them highlights a bigger dilemma.
While I did appreciate Nora for taming Barney, it was Robin that stole his heart and I don't think he'll ever get it back. Robin, on the other hand, doesn't feel the same way and walked away more confused. She stayed with her boyfriend/ex-therapist Kevin, but we know she did it out of guilt and obligation. If she followed her heart, she would have stayed with Barney.
 But what we've really seen from this episode is that Ted's story is very much not the focus. But how much his story ties into that of his friends and how their relationships represent what he truly wants and what he has to do to really grow up. And while we know that involves Barney, Robin and Ted moving on from being the best of friends, it also means the show will continue to show us that growing up is a lifelong process.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In Memory of Heavy D

 By now I'm sure you've heard the shocking and tragic news about the man who called himself the Overweight Lover. Best known as one of the most influential rappers of the early 90s, Heavy D was one of the rappers to embrace the party rap style by not making music laced with profanity, sex, or drug use. He just rapped about everyday life.
 As a kid, I appreciated his music because it was one of the few times I could listen to rap and understand clearly what was being said without asking my parents. My personal favorite song was, "We Got Our Own Thing" but his biggest hit was a rap remake of "Now That We Found Love" featuring Aaron Hall. He also contributed the theme song for most seasons of the now classic "In Living Color."
 His rap career cooled in the mid 90s with the official takeover of gangsta rap, but he forayed into acting quite successfully. In addition to a guest stint on "Living Single" he also guest starred on shows like " A Different World", "Bones" and "Law & Order: SVU." He also appeared in films like "Step Up" and the recently released "Tower Heist."
 But the real mark of his impact was the major respect he received from rappers of all kinds in the past few hours. There were no negative words, just memories of laughter, love, and support. But it just goes to show that no matter how you live your life, all that matters is who you touched and how you impacted the world around you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Drake's Album Leaks

 If you haven't heard, the sweater-loving Bill Cosby of hip-hop, Drake, has had his latest album Take Care leak. Drake himself isn't offended or upset. This is probably because he knows this will only build anticipation for the official release by offering a sneak peak of the tracks.
With this leak, there is a listing of lyrics from various tracks were again he mentions Rihanna for the thousandth time. I would just like to understand why he wants to keep bringing this up? Is this his version of hip-hop or is he just trying to attract attention from the public? Either way, I don't think it's necessary. Mainly because his relationship with RiRi wasn't even that long. It's one thing if they had a years long love affair like some of music's other famous couples. But also because it's just irritating. It would be like me lamenting about the fool who stole the lock on my locker in 7th grade. I understand his need for closure but how about doing it with the help of a therapist?
No matter what happens, this only serves to help build Drizzy's profile as one of the elite of hip-hop's new class. And that isn't a surprise considering he's being mentored by my favorite Gremlin, Lil' Wayne. While he continues to redefine his career by rapping and singing in  such a way that gets our attention. Whether or not it is good is highly debatable.
 But what I do find interesting about Drake is that he's honest about fame and what it has done to his life. Unlike many rappers who boast about swag and girls, he seems to understand the fleeting nature of it all. Hopefully he will continue to do this in such a way that keeps us all listening. But once again I ask, if you are going to talk about an ex-girlfriend, go to therapy first.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Kermit and Crew Back Again!

 I usually don't get excited for rehashes of pop culture greats and I'm not just talking about recent flicks like The A-Team and Charlie's Angels. I was gravely offended when Ferris Bueller himself thought he could out gadget the original Inspector Gadget in the late 90's. But "The Muppets" is coming back with help from none other than Jason Segel.
 For those of you who don't know who he is, Jason Segel co-starred in this summer's "Bad Teacher," co-wrote and co-starred in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" back in 2008 in addition to being one of television's all-time best husbands Marshall Erickson in "How I Met Your Mother." And I'm predicting that if he re-energizes the brand of Kermit, Ms. Piggy and company, he'll become a real threat to become a movie star once "How I Met Your Mother" ends soon.
 The previews for "The Muppets" look awesome. Segel costars with the lovely Amy Adams and Rashida Jones makes a cameo which is even better. In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Segel mentioned that there will be a new muppet added to the gang named Walter. While the premise is not knew, the fact that Segel decidedly wanted to help push the Muppets into the 21st century is great for several reasons.
 I hate to say it but cartoons and children's programming nowadays aren't the same. Either they are exclusively aimed at young, developing preschoolers or way too advanced for their age tweens. There's no quirky middle ground. Even back in the 1990s when I was growing up there was great programming on both Disney and Nickelodeon that you could watch and not get bored or offended by watching.
 "The Muppet Babies" cartoon was one of them. It featured Fozzie, Gonzo, getting into various situations and acting a fool but they learned a critical lesson at the end. Parents could also appreciate the fact that they didn't sneak in strange innuendo like "Spongebob." It was good, clean fun.
 And hopefully with a new sensibility, we'll being seeing more of Kermit and company.

Muppets Redux

Turkey or Gaga?

 If you haven't heard the artist formerly  known as Stefani Germanotta has an upcoming Thanksgiving special airing on ABC on Turkey Day. It will feature an interview with Gaga and Katie Couric. This special follows in the vein of several concert specials featuring artists like Britney Spears, Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Jusitn Timberlake airing on various networks over the past few years.
 And while I don't know the ratings on all of these specials, they have definitely raised the profile on many of these artists. However, by the time these specials aired, it wasn't really necessary because many people had already knew who they were through other mediums. But it does add a nice treat in response to the ridiculous amount of football games that air over the weekend.
 What I really would like is a concert special featuring the various charity concerts many celebrities put on, but due to pricing and geographical issues, most of us can't see them beyond a grainy YouTube post. For instance, Alicia Keys hosted her 8th annual Black Ball to support AIDS treatment worldwide and Justin Timberlake put on his annual Shriners' Golf Tournament and Concert for Shriners' Hospital. While it was great fundraising, it would have been better to air it to a national audience who might be willing to donate.
 Now I know some of you little monsters want to see Mother Monster, but I prefer my uncle's fried turkey rather than her sociopolitical eggs.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Soul of the South or Another Big Mouth?

 For those of you keeping count there are currently four major networks devoted to programming for African Americans and all of them claim to keep the interests of the black community in mind. Now another network is being developed to be debuted in May 2012 called Soul of the South which is targeted at blacks in the south.
 Will this be an improvement? Let's hope so. While BET is the longest running, it is the one I watch the least. Centric is an offshoot of BET, aimed at adults but is really just a bunch of reruns. Bounce has only been on the air since September but is nothing more than a bunch of reruns of Soul Train as well as some really bad movies. Finally, the best out of the bunch is TV One with interesting original programming like Life After and Unsung but unfortunately when those shows aren't on there isn't much worth watching.
 The problem isn't within the premise, it's more of an error of execution. The networks all get our attention by trying to produce quality program but for the most part settle in a rut of reruns and poorly made reality shows. If they really wanted a real viewership, they would aim for documentaries, specials, and original programs that actually tackle real issues and deep concerns within the community.
 I hope Soul of the South really does do this or at least makes a valiant attempt because goodness knows we don't need another network full of Jeffersons and Good Times reruns.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Movies Love ODB

 There's great news for those of us craving an original movie in Hollywood. There are talks to produce a biopic on ODB, the late rapper most famously known as a cutup and a member of the infamous Wu Tang Clan. Tracy Morgan and Eddie Griffin are competing for the role.
 I'm very excited about this because ODB, although not the best decision maker, was one of the most colorful rappers in the pre-Kanye era of hip-hop. He wasn't so much boisterous so much as awkward, interrupting awards shows saying things like, "ODB loves the kids." While this might have been disturbing coming from someone else, it was pure comedy gold coming from ODB.
 And while we can still go back like babies and pacifiers in song, we don't know the whole story of his journey with the Wu, his problems, and his music. Let's just hope nobody messes up the soundtrack by trying to cover his classic jams like "Shimmy Shimmy Ya."
 I look forward to this and as ODB would, say, "This one's for the children!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kung Fu For You (Not Me)!

 If you haven't heard the latest retro thing to get the remake/reboot/recycle/re-stop it now please treatment is Kung Fu. Yes, I said Kung Fu not Dong Fu, Wong Fu, or To Young Fu but Kung Fu. Kung Fu was a cult classic that featured a very white person (David Carradine) playing a very Asian kung fu master. It was perhaps the most famous instance of yellowface in pop culture. 
 Why is this becoming a movie? People need a paycheck and unfortunately the people that cut those checks can't possibly find a way to create an actual 9-5 for you and me but decidedly make a movie that may waste more time and money than a "Kardashian Wedding."
 Bill Paxton is in talks to direct and I hope for his sake he says no. And we should all say no. Enough with these bad ideas for rehashing the past. I'd like to look forward to a movie for once. Not say, " I wouldn't even watch that on FX on a Friday Night."
 I'm sure some poor sap will watch this movie and some sap will get a nice check. As for you and me, let's hope we can just get some kind of laugh out of this thing in about a year when it flops.

BW Hits Primetime

 Brian Williams has to be one of the funniest people in television whose job does not explicitly include making you laugh. From his funny appearances on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, nobody "Slow Jams the News" quite like our man BW.
 He hosted "Today" this past Friday in place of good friend Matt Lauer and gained instant laughs just by complaining how he missed the World Series. BW also is very funny when giving the news, giving some of the more frivolous headlines a breath of fresh air.
 Last night, his newsmagazine "Rock Center" debuted to okay reviews and ratings. It was NBC's last-ditch attempt to reconcile the disaster that was "The Playboy Club" and it just might work. Williams has enough contributions from fellow journalists like Kate Snow and Richard Engel and he even got props from the realest fake anchor around, John Stewart.
 I have yet to personally watch the show myself, but if it's like anything else BW does, it'll be worth at least one try.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Queen Returns to Daytime

 Now from the title I'm guessing your mind is going to Oprah. No, sorry folks. The Queen I'm talking about is all  about UNITY and respect, but of a different generation. Queen Latifah herself is giving daytime another shot in 2013.
 For those of us who remember she hosted a brief syndicated outlet from 1999-2001. I'd like to hope she injects a new flava (get it?!) to the genre. Ellen has taken over for nice talk shows, Anderson is trying to bring his journalism to the genre, and Rosie.. well uh I haven't watched her yet. Anyways, I hope Queen Latifah brings her personality to the genre as well as her insight.
 However, I will warn you getting excited about Queen La's return to daytime. If you happened to watch the 2010 BET Awards you know what I mean. While everyone loves Queen Latifah, unfortunately it didn't translate to the event.
 Hopefully she can do a lot better with this new opportunity!

Latifah Daytime

My Favorite Trilogy

 I like a lot of movies and  I like of series television, but hands down my favorite trilogy has nothing to do with either. For those of you who don't know, History of Rap 3 was dropped on us courtesy of JT and Jimmy Fallon last Friday.
 JT was there to promote his sci-fi thriller In Time which opened at a respectable third this weekend, but the real headline grabber was he and Jimmy Fallon's final epic in the rap saga that teaches us how to rhyme on time. Now, I know because of the date you were probably expecting something else, but hey, it's my blog!
 Anyways enjoy the last in a great saga!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homey Does Play That

 In Living Color, one of Fox's best early offerings is making a big comeback in 2012. The show that helped launched the careers of Jamie Foxx, Jim Carrey and all of The Wayans Brothers, is back in action with host and executive producer Keenan Ivory Wayans in charge.
 What does this mean? Hopefully we get to see our old friends Homey, Wanda, and more. Also, there's the possibility of a reunion of the original cast members. Let's hope that Fox won't try and censor the creativity and sass that made the show unique. It was the alternative to Saturday Night Live at a time when the humor was more biting and less diverse.
 I somewhat hope the fly girls don't come back. And I don't just mean the originals,  I mean any. Dancing in television shows should be reserved for shows like Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance.
 But above and beyond anything else, let's hope that Keenan and his brothers will continue to be uniquely original, dynamically inspired and a good place for young talent to explode.

In Living Color

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Graceful Idea

 There has just been news today that Princess Grace Kelly is getting the biopic treatment nearly thirty years after her death. Her cool, elegant on screen presence is still unmatched. And while she was best remembered for her three-peat appearance in the Hitchcock cannon, she won an Oscar for The Country Girl before becoming princess of Monaco.
 Who should play Grace Kelly? That's a loaded question. I can tell you who I don't want to play her. That would include anyone with the first name Jessica, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, and so on. Why? Well, I don't think neither Alba or Biel can carry a film, but more importantly they don't resemble her in the slightest. Natalie Portman is an amazing actress, but her look is too different from the late Princess to work. Mila Kunis is another dynamic screen presence, but again her background doesn't match to play Grace Kelly.
 My next thought would be a blonde, but then again most blondes don't really stand out. Some boards and comments say Rachel McAdams or Charlize Theron. I'm leaning towards Charlize Theron. She is one of the most graceful (no pun intended) screen personalities and she also has that same type of class and elegance that made Princess Grace such an icon. Another dynamic that Theron brings is her tenacity. Even though it seems Grace Kelly lead a charmed life, she had to fight her parents' objections, preconceived stereotypes about blondes and the Hollywood casting couch to fully make it.
 I think this could be an amazing movie, but it all depends on who is given the role and who directs. It makes all the difference between another Ray and another Amelia.

Princess Grace Biopic

Everybody Tolerates Chris

 Chris Brown is definitely a lightening rod for controversy after nearly three years of trying to atone for his assault on former girlfriend Rihanna. He's released two albums and co-starred in "Takers" alongside fellow bad boy TI. He's even won a number of awards for his latest album "FAME" and scored three top tens. But the real question is, will he ever be as welcome in pop culture as he was in 2008?
 That remains to be seen. He's currently about to start production on Project B Boy, a dance film based on the documentary of the same name co-starring alongside Josh Holloway of Lost. And you can't hurt him for trying, he's apologized (and then ranted), explained (and then criticized the media) as well as working with other artists like Justin Bieber and Joe Jonas.
 While these are all large strides, Brown's temper has gotten him in trouble because of his violent outbursts and bratty attitude. It's almost like he's still 19 and refusing to accept the responsibility of his unfortunate actions. Rihanna, has seemingly forgiven him and even said she's a fan. How come we can't?
 I don't know about those of you reading, but his attitude prevents me from buying anything he does. While his songs are still catchy, he still doesn't have the vocal chops of Usher nor the charm of JT. And he certainly doesn't have their team of publicists, PR reps, and managers who help keep them out of trouble and keep them full steam ahead. But he also doesn't have the maturity and wisdom that has sustained their long and satisfying careers.
 Will Chris Brown fully redeem himself? That question remains to be unanswered, but let's hope he really does try to grow up.

Planet B Boy

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Lapse in Judgement

Tyler Perry's upcoming "Marriage Counselor" will feature a familiar name. No it's not an athlete or musician turned actor or an actual actor. It's a personality and no not like the ones on Late Night with Letterman or anything. Take a step or look back. Yeah, it's Kim Kardashian.
Why Perry asked her to be in the film? Why do good people get kicked off Dancing with the Stars or talented people get lost in the spotlight? It's an unanswerable question. Kim Kardashian is a questionable figure in pop culture. She's only famous because of an alledged lapse in judgement and it seems Tyler Perry's making the same sort of lapse by including her in his film.
 If Dancing with the Stars is any indication, don't expect much from Kim K. She's more of someone to look at than listen to. Her public image was shaped in trying to act like she is famous for something other than a sex tape. Unfortunately, videotape doesn't lie. But maybe this movie will succeed in getting Kim K off of the big and small screen once everyone finds out her talent is trying to act like she has one.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Is the CSI Franchise Over?

 Here's a quick question: When was the last time you watched CSI, CSI: Miami, or CSI: NY? And no you can't count any reruns on Spike, USA, TNT, or A&E. I'm talking about on the good old eye. CSI has been in a slump since the genre overran television almost a decade ago. The technology, the fascinating cases, and the Who themes have all left us wanting more, but for now CSI is the least hot show on television.
 While it consistently draws in decent ratings, it really isn't leading CBS as the number one television station. That belongs to shows like NCIS and Hawaii Five-O. CSI suffered the fate of many things in pop culture by giving us too much too soon. By that I mean, too many crazy storylines, spinoffs, and character rotations you'd think you're watching Days of Our Lives. It's like when someone I won't mention puts out too much music too soon. Make us wait for it, build the anticipation and desire for new storylines and finally give us something we haven't seen.
 At first it could have been called the 21st century Law & Order, but at this rate it's looking more like the Poor Man's Law & Order.

Country Fried JT

 While Justin Timberlake is still not giving the world more sexy to bring back, he is busy trying to help artists on his fledgling Tennman label take off. The latest offering being FreeSol, a hip-hop/rock outfit based in JT's hometown of Memphis. He personally signed them after convincing them not to go to Atlanta to pursue their career in music. The result? Well, so far it's been a lot of cool promotions like the pop-up show in New York City and a couple of videos, but no national attention beyond the internet.
 Their latest single, "Role Model" follows "Hoodies on Hats Low" which also featured Timberlake. And while both of them include him, there is none of JT's signature falsetto. No. JT is going straight gangsta. And by that I mean he's trying to rap. Is it good? Umm, that depends on your definition of good. But as a fan, I've heard better and worse.
 More than that is the point of "Role Model." It is very interesting. Even though I think Justin is adapting the "jerk" character that people sometimes make him out to be, the greater point of the song is that artists/entertainers cannot possibly set the example some parents look for. And for someone who's been famous as long as Justin I think he understands the ridiculous demands the public has on him as someone who grew up in front of our eyes.
 Of course, the song is nowhere near as eloquent or interesting but I'll give Mr. Timberlake points for tackling something a lot of people don't want to address. I think we all have to stop considering celebrities role models, as hard as it may be. Yes they entertain us but they know no more about life than we do. Because if that were the case I still wouldn't laugh when Justin says yayer as if it were really cool.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet as Candy?

 Mandy Moore is set to star in an ABC sitcom about the differences that exist between the family you're born into and the family that you create when you grow up. Mandy Moore has been one of the premier examples of a pop star turned actor in the past ten years, she has had roles in many movies and several guest television spots. Will this work? Maybe.
 This show sounds interesting in the fact that people don't talk about the families that are formed when they marry, it simply becomes the primary family they align themselves to. Experiences with your first family simply become more treasured memories. However, there is always an underlying conflict between who you side with. I think this will make for interesting television.
 I say this because I think ABC and other networks are finally coming off the remake train after the spectacular failures of several shows that were reboots, remakes, or reinterpretations of the past. The biggest success stories have been original comedies. Why? Because everyone needs a laugh right about now.
 Here's hoping Mandy Moore has a successful sitcom and ABC has a new hit.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cutting Loose

 Today marks the release of the new Footloose. And while I haven't seen the original, I'm sure this remake has high expectations (at least in terms of box-office gross). It stars former Dancing with the Stars pro Julianne Hough and former backup dancer Kenny Wormald.
 Julianne Hough left Dancing with the Stars a couple of seasons back to pursue her career in country music as well as acting and so far she's succeeded in country music while only really jumping into acting just recently. Will this movie blow her up? I don't know. Lori Singer was the lead in the original and honestly, I'm trying to remember what she was in. However, Hough has two things going for her: charm and dance moves. And she's already had national exposure so this might work.
 Kenny Wormald, on the other hand, was on the MTV short-lived reality series Dance Life which chronicled the lives of backup dancer. He's danced in videos like "Promiscuous" and went on tour with Justin Timberlake in 2007. But he really is an unknown. Kevin Bacon was very much the same way and now there's a cultural phenomenon named after him (6 Degrees of Separation). But the challenge for Kenny is that he has to bring his own spin on the role and make it a way in for himself rather than be one of those people on Where are they Now?
 Only time will tell how this movie does, but let's just hope we forget about Blake Shelton's version of "Footloose."

Goodbye, Angels

 ABC has decided to cancel Charlie's Angels a mere four weeks into the season. Why? Ratings were criminally low. I think it just goes to show that the remake train is quickly running out of steam. While some remakes have succeeded, like Hawaii Five-O, others have not.
 The reason Charlie's Angels didn't take off was probably because of lack of a name star. I know Minka Kelly is on the show, but most of us only know her as Derek Jeter's latest ex-girlfriend. Also, Charlie's Angels didn't have much of a plot to begin with so of course it's hard to make something out of nothing but a string of long hair and visuals.
 What ABC should do is try to create a new drama based off of situations people are actually interested in rather than trying to make lightening strike twice. A show that actually holds our attention and not something that we already are familiar with.
 And they should really consider trying to do something different.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lloyd Hits Below the Belt

If you've heard R&B crooner Lloyd's latest retro-fused track, "Miss That (Dedication to My Ex)" you would probably think this is a nice song about a broken hearted guy, right? Wrong. Lloyd is really singing about missing a certain part of his ex-girlfriend in the unedited version. I'm sure you're asking two questions, one: Who is Lloyd? And, two what part of his ex is he lamenting?
 Lloyd, is an R&B star with what I would consider fledgling success. He hasn't had a real huge hit to cross over on top 40, but he is very visible appearing on tracks by Lil' Wayne among others. Why is he talking about his ex-girlfriend in such a way? Well, I think you could probably attribute that to desperation for a hit and also just trying to seem cool.
  It's never cool to refer to a woman by her body parts, much less one of the most intimate parts of her body. To me, this song is a new low. Have people ran out of ideas so much that they think it's appropriate to promote the mistreatment of women by referencing them only by parts of their anatomy? Or have we accepted the fact that some people will do anything for attention rather than being cognitive of real artistry? I hope not.
 I've personally decided to boycott the song. If it comes on the radio, the dial will be turned. If it's on television, the channel will be changed. I've said many times free speech is great, but it gives no one any right to promote the degradation of women, the beliefs that sexuality is the key to romantic acceptance, and that you have to change for approval of anyone. I'm actually thinking of writing Lloyd, to let him know how I really feel because they only way change will happen is if someone speaks up.
 And believe me, you don't want to listen to this song at any cost.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Worst Album Title Ever

 Jason Derulo has gotten on my nerves more than any other male popstar this year. Why? Unlike Bieber, he doesn't have the right grooming from an elder statesman like Usher and unlike Usher his songs get stuck in your head for the right wrong reasons (hook, beat, repetitiveness). Not only that, but he lacks vocal ability, songwriting ability, and originality. If you haven't seen his videos, it could best be summed up by a panelist on the MuchMusic show, Video on Trial: "Take a Justin Timberlake video and 1/2 the budget and this is what you get."
 And what's worse he's cockily named his album Future History. If that's not dumb, then it's at least misguided. His vocals sound like they've been processed through a vocoder and a cheese grater and the songs are so bad. I don't even know how people listen to his music, it's so bad. Aside from a deceptive sample he used on his very first single, I knew he was a hot mess one-hit wonder waiting to happen. Why?
 Essentially he embodies the true qualities of The Poor Man's Male Pop/R&B star. As I mentioned earlier, his videos are cheaply made. And the concepts also show no insight as he admitted the concept for "In My Head" was based on that for JT's "Like I Love You." Let me tell you, it's as much as an homage as Beyonce's video for "Countdown" is unique.
 But back to the fact of the title, Future History. I seriously doubt we'll remember him or this album in a couple of years, much less in twenty to twenty five years like any of Jason's influences. I just hope people stop buying his music so he has time to get a real job.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bieber's Pulling A Britney

 I know that headline is alarming on the surface, but don't worry this has nothing to do with see-through bodysuits, snakes, or schoolgirl outfits. Justin Bieber is making major declarations about his personal life alot like Britney Spears did when she was just starting out. Bieber is claiming that he won't have kids until after he's married. Britney Spears infamously (and falsely) declared she's not having sex until she's married when the truth was she already had long before she blew up. Now nobody knows what Bieber is doing or not doing with girlfriend Selena Gomez but hopefully someone is going to talk to him about what he shouldn't be saying.
 Britney Spears was in the same situation, in a relationship with another high-powered teen idol, Justin Timberlake and made astoundingly grand claims about them marrying and living happily ever after. As we all know, it didn't end that way. It ended with "Cry Me A River" and for all intensive purposes, Bieber is painting himself in a corner much similar to Britney. Selena and the Biebs went public late last year after tons of rumors and sightings circulated. Britney and JT went public at the MTV VMAs in 2000 after the same kind of tabloid fodder eventually came to ahead. It was rumored that Britney was the one who pushed for the public announcement; similarly Justin wanted to tell everyone how crazy he was about Selena. Selena, to me reminds me a lot of Justin Timberlake back in the day. They both found themselves at the center of their respective projects, but tried to live without much fanfare while their respective romantic partners are caught up in a frenzy. Selena, also like JT values her privacy and tries not to talk too much about Justin unless she has to. JT, in a similar fashion would answer questions but it was obvious that wasn't what he wanted to do.
 And now with the constant quotes that Bieber is circulating he's pushing the relationship into a place that Selena isn't ready to consider just like Britney more than likely overdid the future talks with Justin. Not that it's a bad thing for young stars to talk about their future but to paint so much certainty into the situation forces their respective boyfriend/girlfriend into making heavy decisions that they are too young to face. Selena Gomez has yet to say how she sees her future and only recently has Justin Timberlake actually mentioned a future life with children.
 The point here? Never make a gland declarative statement about your relationship or personal life before you can know for sure what will happen. Britney eventually did have a marriage and children, just not with Justin. And Bieber, may end up doing the same if he doesn't quit while he's ahead. Besides, I'm sure he doesn't want to be the subject of the next breakup smash.

Bieber Babies/Marriage

Murph's Picks: The Untold Motown Story

 Motown is a cultural institution. They've helped launch many careers into the history as well as given us a great soundtrack to everyday life. While we all know or at least have heard of the artists in Motown, there is a group that  is just as responsible if not more for the success of the Motown sound.
 The Funk Brothers are the collective of musicians who played live instruments for the studio recordings of most of Motown's biggest hits. Their talents and instincts have given us some of the most memorable sounds in pop music and yet we don't know most of their names.
Assembled due to various circumstances such as trying to find a job, family obligations, or opportunity these various musicians sought a different life.
 Standing in the Shadows of Motown is a critically acclaimed documentary that details the rise and fall of these unsung heroes of music. It includes performances featuring current artists like Joan Osborne and Ben Harper, as well as interviews with the surviving Funk Brothers.
 What's most refreshing is that these are architects of live music played with real instruments which is more and more vanishing into obscurity in pop music today. This is a great documentary to watch with different generations who love music. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Beyonce Is Killing Me Softly

 If you're a die-hard Beyonce fan, please do not read this posting. If you're a semi-Beyonce fan, okay maybe you can handle this. And if you're a non-fan, well this is just up your alley. Beyonce's new video for the single "Countdown" almost gave me a mild-case of the shakes this morning. With overwhelming visuals and a very disappointing song, it's too much on the eyes and the ears.
 To be honest, Beyonce has done too much in promoting her album 4, trying to do four singles in too close of a succession, instead of trying to build the album with strong singles but my spidey sense tells me that there are no strong singles from this album. This is why we get videos overrun with too much imagery, ugly wedding dresses, and more baby oil than necessary.
 Beyonce is also preparing to have her first child with husband Jay-Z, but still that's no excuse for bad music and bad videos. To be honest, there are very few things Beyonce has done in her solo career that have really impressed me. Namely those two things include "Crazy in Love" and "Single Ladies." Other than that, it's hard to give her full credit as a solo artist.
 Why, you may ask? She hasn't really distinguished herself as truly unique. Her videos are often under scrutiny for plagiarizing other artists' choreography, fellow pop icons looks, and lacking real creativity. Now I must say, she has built a steady following but then again so have many artists who aren't around.
 When Beyonce first came out with Destiny's Child she proved to be a solid frontwoman with skills in songwriting, singing and dancing but since she broke out as a solo act it's been more about sex appeal and kitsch than really good music.
 In all honesty, I think she could have really stayed in Destiny's Child longer and figured out how to be a better solo artist. Even though she's done more, I still think the better solo artist to come out of a group in the past ten years is Justin Timberlake. I'm partially biased, but his work speaks more in terms of quality and not quantity.  People are really excited to see what he'll do next, unlike Beyonce who to me never truly goes away long enough to grant the same feelings of anticipation. Here's hoping she uses maternity leave to really get a grasp on what she should do next.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Not Far From the Tree

 Rising young rapper and hip-hop kid, Diggy Simmons recently revealed in an interview that he plans not to curse in his music. His debut album drops this December and already young Diggy is taking a stand about his music and image. I think this is awesome.
 There are enough artists (both rappers and singers) who carelessly use profanity in their lyrics to the point, their music carries little or no meaning without it. Now, I personally don't curse and try not to- no matter how tempting it seems. I do, however, understand to let one fly occasionally, but every other word is pretty ridiculous. I will admit sometimes that listening to music is not easy because so many artists try to gain credibility through the use of profanity. I think Diggy is setting the example for a new generation by determining who he is.
 Artistry and profanity are not mutually exclusive. They can exist in different realms, but they can also work well together if used properly. Diggy is the son of Run DMC's Rev Run and certainly knows how hip-hop works. He's young, but I think with the insight of his dad and uncle (Russell Simmons) I think he'll be alright.
 Here's hoping Young Diggy keeps his promise and his values in tact.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Needs Better Content: NBC

 NBC has just announced the cancellation of a second show after a mere three episodes. Free Agents joins the Playboy Club in the first to be canceled club. Why? Well, it looked bad. I couldn't tell from the preview what the show was about, nor did it inspire me to find out. The Playboy Club was self explanatory but ended up looking like a poor man's Mad Men.
 NBC is bringing up the rear among the big four networks this season. And the quality of shows has a lot to do with it. The shows simply aren't of high quality and if they are of any quality, they lack the promotions that other networks put up. Fox smartly put the pilot of Zooey Deschanel's New Girl on iTunes for free and the full season order definitely proves they knew what they are doing. ABC even has promoted shows through various means and so far is doing pretty well. CBS remains number one because they know how to create a buzz. NBC, is still struggling.
 It's like the 1980s all over again where NBC was bringing up the rear and Fox wasn't even around. There's a possibility that some groundbreaking screenwriter could create the right show and save the network, very much like Thursday nights helped save NBC.
 Another problem that NBC has is that the shows are either really dumb or too high concept. CBS goes for front and center characters with interesting lives. Fox is all about unique situations. And ABC masters catching everyday circumstances. NBC has some good shows like The Office and 30 Rock but they have cult followings and I'm sure they're looking not to have to pay as much to the crew and actors so they'll probably have a few more years.
 The real question is how will NBC brand themselves as a network and  stay afloat or will they fold under pressure?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Viewer A

Glee went back to basics last night and it finally became the show so many of us gleeks fell in love with. The episode was entitled "Asian F" and focused on the struggles of three supporting characters, Mercedes Jones (Amber Riley), Mike Chang (Harry Shum, Jr.) and Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays).
Mike's parents were revealed when his dad (Keong Sim) marched to Mr. Figgins (Iqbal Theba) and demanded that Mike cut down on his activities because he got an A- (Asian F) in Chemistry. Mike promised to see a tutor but after talking with his girlfriend Tina Cohen (Jenna Ushkowitz) he realizes he has to live his dream of singing and dancing. After a rousing audition and surprise support from his mom (Tamlyn Tomita), he decides to fully invest in who he wants to be, not what his dad thinks he should be.
Mercedes is revealed to be a diva because of a lack of confidence in her appearance, the ongoing competition with Rachel (Lea Michele) and so much tension about who she is. Her new boyfriend Shane (LaMarcus Tinker) is definitely helping her move past the anxieties, but in return she's an even biger diva.
Finally, we see that Emma was preventing Will from meeting her parents, Don Most aka Potsie Webber and Valerie Mahaffey because they're straight up crazy. Not only do the encourage their daughter's OCD by being judgmental of her condition, but they're also ginger supremacists. That's right, they only associate with other redheads. No wonder she's been so uptight all of her life, her parents are so defined by appearances and perfection that they can't truly love who she is.
I am glad Glee is finally getting back to heart and soul matters, I think it'll boost the show in the long run.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Four Minutes to Rock the World

Madonna is rumored to be the next Super Bowl halftime act. This is after the Black Eyed Peas much ballyhooed appearance in the past Super Bowl. It does seem that the committee in charge is trying to catch a wider audience, but the question is, will it work?
Madonna is one of the most divisive artists in pop culture. Some people worship her, some admire her, others don't understand and many just wish she'd go away. Or in some cases, they feel a combination of feelings. But by inviting her to the Super Bowl presents new opportunities for the NFL to catch more than middle aged dads on a cold Sunday night.
The problem is the audience that's interested in Madonna is not always interested in the Super Bowl. Madonna has a large fan base, but it's most notably women and gay men. Not to stereotype, but I haven't heard too many straight men say their favorite song is True Blue. Not to say that men don't appreciate Madonna, but more as a sex symbol than her music.
Another issue is that Madonna may have the censors sweating like a football player in the middle of July two-a-days. Ever since the infamous Super Bowl boob-tube fiasco, the NFL safely relied on old men rock stars to bring the jams without the sexy.
It'll be interesting to see if Madonna gets the gig, because I'll make sure I don't miss those four minutes.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tickled P!nk

P!nk is about to be the latest pop star in film. She's appeared in film with her voice before because of various romantic comedies and action flicks using her music for the soundtrack. But now she's going to be alongside crossover artist Gwyneth Paltrow.
I personally think P!nk is one of the most dynamically talented singers of the twenty-first century. She has a rawness that reminds me a lot of Janis Joplin and her songs are unique in what they address.
The only thing is that I hope she doesn't play to type. And by type I mean like the cool tomboy who knows how to wail. When pop stars transition, they can't come in as the "pop star" otherwise they tank.
And history has plenty examples of tanking. For instance Christina Aguilera was the latest pop star to tank- alongside Cher no less in Burlesque last year. I think her problem lied in she waited too long and got bad advice to really go full throttle.
Mariah Carey initially tanked in Glitter, but redeemed herself by playing way against type in Precious. I really hope P!nk goes with her instincts because I think she'd make a great actress.
Her personality is always displayed through her videos which I think are awesome. And with the right script, I'm sure she'll be just as good at acting as she is at singing.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Where Have All the Lead Singers Gone?

Roger Daltrey just said something ridiculously true, but sadly unfortunate. He pretty much said that there aren't any more great lead singers anymore. I would have to agree. There isn't anyone with the kind of appeal that Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant or Mick Jagger anymore. But music has changed and times have changed, so of course the landscape of the lead singer has disappeared.
Now there are some lead singers who are well-known for being popular, but don't have any swagger. For instance, Maroon 5's Adam Levine (or the only guy who's name you actually know from the group as I call him) is okay but kind of regular. I mean when you sing a song called "Moves Like Jagger" that pretty much means your scraping for peanuts. He's cute, he can carry a tune, but he's more like the cute guy from school. He's not like a crazy-whacked out rock star. Plus, he's on a reality show. You always get downgraded for that.
Then there's also Chris Martin of Coldplay (again the only person you know from the group). He's British and married to Gwyneth Paltrow, but again not a real lead singer. He's too much of a hipster guilty pleasure than a frontman. Everytime I see him, he enthusiastically jumps around and bangs his instruments but that's more crazy than swagger or presence. Again, no disrespect but he's nice but not right for the job.
Finally, in my opinion Gwen Stefani takes the cake. She sings, she laughs, and she writes with the group. Her solo career notwithstanding, she's the ideal lead singer. She really does have a presence and connection with the audience is unparalleled. Gwen's not afraid to be the only girl in the group and she more than makes up for it.
Here's to more great leads in the future.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

That Old Time Rock n' Roll

I'm sure many of you have heard about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees being announced earlier this week. Still a huge honor, many groups are in and many groups are left out. The real question is whether or not your favorite artist and group will make it in.
There are many first timers with big appeal such as The Beastie Boys and Eric B. and Rakim. But many will argue that it's not rock n' roll. No, rock n' roll hasn't meant what people have thought it should mean in over thirty years.
Rock n' Roll is essentially popular music as a whole. Why? Listen to the airwaves. There are very few mainstream rock artists on the radio that have captured the public imagination. Most groups on rock radio include alterna-pop supergroup Coldplay, pop-rock radio faves OneRepublic, and rap-rock hybrid act Linkin Park. None of these groups are known for their windmills, stage antics, and outrageous parties.
Rock n' Roll has evolved. Nobody is in the dressing room with a gaggle of models anymore or a large keg. Concerts are now filled with actors and fellow musicians. There's no wild rock n' roll. Rock n' roll has evolved to reflect more of an attitude than a genre or a lifestyle.
That's why many people who always argue about acts like Donna Summer being nominated will never understand that if you want rock n' roll, you're going to have to pull out a time machine.
The rock n' roll hall of fame should just change the name so people stop getting in dumb arguments about who should be let in or left out. Now it's obvious some people do deserve their fair shake, but beyond that if you want your old time rock n' roll please go listen to Bob Seeger.

An Awkward Reminder

In breaking news, MTV has an awesome show. No, not the Jersey Shore. And it's not Teen Mom either. But it's a scripted series based on the second most uncomfortable period in everyone's life. And for most of us that means high school.
Now obviously there are people who actually say that high school was the time of their lives and actually believe it, but I usually end up feeling sorry for them. High school ends. And while it is a wonderful period to find who you are, many people have trouble in between the self discovery.
That's what is so lovable about Awkward. It stars One Tree Hill alum Ashley Richards as Jenna Hamilton, a fifteen-year-old who has a few friends and a lot of enemies. The series opens at summer camp with Jenna losing her virginity to Matty McKibben (Beau Mirchoff). And it's anything but romantic or special. Even though Matty thinks this is just for fun, it's obvious Jenna develops feelings quite quickly.
She comes back home to an anonymous letter from a really mean person.The letter pretty much tells her to suck it up and be herself instead of fading into the background. Jenna is depressed and tries to take some aspirin but ends up in an accident that looks like a suicide attempt to everyone else.
As a result, rumors circulate that she's suicidal-so she becomes the target of head cheerleader, Sadie Saxton (Molly Tarlov). This is partly due to Sadie's quest to hook up with Matty and also her need to put people down.
Jenna remains encouraged by best friends Tamara (Jillian Rose Reed) and Ming Huang (Jessica Lu), she faces the humiliation. But she also is challenged by the fact that Matty is only interested in casual sex and not a relationship. Eventually he does admit to liking her, but he doesn't want anyone to know. So, as a result the meet in private.
Matty does try to invite her to a party, with mixed results. He pays no attention to her and she ends up leaving with Matty's best friend Jake Rosati (Brett Devern). There's an obvious chemistry and eventually they kiss which sets up the triangle between Matty, Jenna, and Jake.
Matty finally gets the courage to ask Jenna out on a real date, more than an hour out of town. But it turns out he really did want to make an effort. However, he still doesn't want to be with her as much as she wants to be with him.
When Jenna gets an invite to the Winter Formal from Jake, she pushes Matty to finally admit  they're a couple, but he can't. Jenna finally gets the self-esteem to dump him and goes with Jake "as friends." Jake was hoping for otherwise, but when Jenna invites Tamara, it's obvious she's trying to set new boundaries.
 Throughout the series, there are other twists and turns. Another key storyline is Jenna's relationship with her image-obsessed mother (Nikki DeLoach) and her more level headed father (Mike Faiola). They became teen parents and Jenna is their only child, but it's obvious they never fully grew up themselves.
What's intriguing about the show is that it doesn't sugarcoat the "great divide." The great divide being the distance between the popular and unpopular crowds in school. It also deals with prevalent teen issues such as the hookup culture, underage drinking and partying and the pressure to fit in..
The show's already been renewed for a second season which could be really good or really bad. MTV's other high school show, The Hard Times of RJ Berger got the ax earlier this year after a ratings dive from the first season. It was similar to Awkward, except that it had a male protagonist and that the humor was more raunchy.
Here's hoping that Awkward continues to grow into itself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seeing Suge

Showtime just announced they're doing a documentary on controversial rap impresario Marion "Suge" Knight. This is part of a series focusing on some of the most controversial figures in entertainment. For those of you who don't know who Suge is. He's the force behind Death Row Records which launched the careers of Snoop Dogg, Warren G, and the late Tupac, among others.
I think this should be interesting. There was an amazing documentary called "Welcome to Death Row" focusing on how Death Row became like a Motown/Stax type imprint for hip-hop in the early 90s. The problem was that Suge wasn't too involved. This documentary has Knight in charge of the soundtrack.
I'm curious to see how this is approached. Knight has long been thought of as a bully or intimidator because of his large frame and no-nonsense attitude. He famously feuded with former label co-founder Dr. Dre and artist Snoop Dogg. Even now, people are afraid to speak of him. It wasn't until 2008 when he was famously knocked out by a barber in a nightclub that people finally felt comfortable to address him.
But beyond that,  Suge's influence in hip-hop is lasting if only for helping put Tupac on the map. Tupac himself was a cult figure not only for his rapping, but for his thug lifestyle and his untimely demise.
Suge is also quite mysterious. All we know is that he used to be a bodyguard and then met NWA and decided to collaborate with some of the members. He's also had a lot of legal and personal problems, but beyond the rap sheet we don't know how he grew up or if people other than his mom were never afraid of him, so this should be interesting.

Rihanna Won't Let Up

I'm sure you've heard by now that Rihanna has caused another controversy. This time she stirred up trouble in Ireland on the set of her latest video, "We Found Love" by going topless on the farm owned by the man. He didn't understand that the singer was planning this all along, he just thought she was going to frolic and lip sync to the song.
I must agree with the farmer on this one. Using someone else's property with their permission is a privilege, therefore you should abide by their rules. Also, the whole going topless thing in videos is about as cliche as it comes. This is one of the many reasons I think Rihanna could do us all some good by slowing down and not releasing an album for a while.
She's gone from Good Girl Gone Bad to Bad Taste in High Gear. I understand that she realizes the shelf life for someone with her-uh- talent is getting shorter and shorter, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't try to remain famous by doing anything to get attention.
Sex sells. That doesn't mean that's all you should sell. The best sex symbols have something extra. Look at Marilyn Monroe; she was sexy, but she was also very girlish and very cute in a way that no one else has managed to duplicate. Madonna is sexy, but she also uses it as a platform to express her opinions on political and social issues. Rihanna, in my opinion, hasn't done anything of the sort. She's just trying to imitate other pop stars and try to make it her own.
This is why if you're going to succeed in the age of snarky bloggers, rapid fire gossip and viral superstars, you better know how to be more than just a one trick pony.
Rihanna, unfortunately, is not utilizing her unique talents to her advantage. No, this isn't a joke, she does have appeal. I mean, look at the Umbrella video and tell me you're not captivated. I think this was the moment she finally broke through because she was herself without shoving it down our throats.
But after the unfortunate incident with one Mr. Brown, it pushed her even further to take risks in ways that aren't interesting. Her fascination with violent tattoos, daring outfits, and kinky sex is nothing new or interesting. It's pretty much like making soup with a couple of carrots and some water- unless you're Bugs Bunny you're not interested.
Hopefully, Rihanna will find another way to reinvent herself or she might be joining that farmer.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Other Casablanca

 It was confirmed late last night that their is a new biopic in the works. However, contrary to common presumptions, it's not about someone the public is completely familiar with nor is it just about the person. It's about Casablanca Records founder Neil Bogart and the contributions to music he made before he died of cancer in the early 1980s. Justin Timberlake has signed on to produce and star in the movie as the lead character.
According to Huffington Post, Justin and Neil Bogart's sons met and immediately bonded over ideas for the movie. Bogart's sons said that from that moment they knew that Timberlake was ideal for the role. The commonality between experience in the music industry as well as a relentless vision definitely gives him that credibility. Hopefully this biopic will provide insight into a label that helped shape music in several different genres.
 Casablanca Records helped discover and promote acts such as the Village People, Donna Summer, Parliament/Funkadelic, and KISS. In a word, this was probably the most important label in the 1970s in terms of bringing acts that wouldn't have otherwise been in the forefront to the top of the pop charts.
 The Village People were essentially the first act in the mainstream to really use camp and costume to capture audience attention. They had distinct characters long before the Spice Girls, the Pussycat Dolls, or any other group with distinctive identities. It's also noted that they helped popularize the disco genre alongside label mate Donna Summer.
 Donna Summer is considered by many to be the first lady of disco. With hits like "Dim All the Lights" and "Love to Love You, Baby" helped empower women to conquer the dance floor and their sexuality. Her career peaked in the late 1970s, but her early 80s hit "She Works Hard for the Money" is arguably one of the forerunners of the girl power movement in music.
 "Parliament/Funkadelic" is one of the funkiest groups in music history. Like the Village People- their acts were full of camp and comedy- which intrigued audiences. However, their group was distinctive. Lead by mad genius George Clinton- they had an unstoppable run of hits in the 1970s like "Up for the Down Stroke," "Flashlight", and "Knee Deep."
 Finally, KISS is noted for well, being KISS. Fronted by Gene Simmons, they haven't stopped rocking since the early 1970s and have managed to dominate pop culture whether we like it or not.
 It'll be interesting to see how the biopic approaches Casablanca's relationships with all of these storied acts as well as his unparalleled success at a time when the music business was on the verge of folding. The 1970s, while considered a great era of music- was problematic in that record sales were tanking and there was a power struggle between major and independent labels that has continued to go on into the present. And while these issues did resolve themselves with the birth of MTV in the early 1980s, they have since reappeared in the past ten years with the rise of the digital music revolution. Something that Justin Timberlake undoubtedly understands.
 Justin Timberlake became a child star making music and memories on the Mickey Mouse Club,  then rose to instant fame as one-fifth of *NSYNC, and if that wasn't enough decidedly became a megastar when he went solo nearly ten years ago. Since then, he's been a one man pop culture show. His music, SNL hosting stints, and movies have all continued to keep him in the public eye when many of his contemporaries have struggled to transition as smoothly. However, the real question becomes how he will carry a movie on his own.
 This year he's starred in "Bad Teacher" and "Friends with Benefits" and in late October will star as an ageless gangster in "In Time."  While all of these movies have his name on it, the results have been mixed. "Bad Teacher" received mixed reviews and good box office; "Friends with Benefits" had good reviews and poor box office. And "In Time" is positioning itself to be a classic fall popcorn action movie.
 And while this movie is a biopic based on something Timberlake has knowledge in, the risk is there. Biopic aren't always sexy box office. For every "Ray," there are ten movies like  Hillary Swank's "Amelia." However, since Neil Bogart is more of a cult figure and people gravitate to cult figures and underdogs-there's a good chance Justin Timberlake can pull this off.

Monday, September 26, 2011

What Patti Says...

"The Millionaire Matchmaker" is doing it again. Patti Stanger is making comments that offend groups that probably watch her show: women, gay men, and Jewish men.
 I've seen "The Millionaire Matchmaker" and sometimes I find Patti's advice a little bit too much. No one can always look a certain way, behave in such a way that attracts the right person, and leave their foot out of their mouth.  I mean, look at the Presidential Race, and that should give you some idea of what I mean.
 Patti isn't always wrong though. She does help her clients with severe emotional problems receive advice, therapy, and counsel. And sometimes there are clients who need to change their approach because either it's too docile or too aggressive, but her comments last night were over the top.
 Saying that gay couples can't handle monogamy- without anything to back her up but personal experience is wrong. The only people gay or straight who know if they can handle monogamy are the people themselves. And even then some people spend a long time defining monogamy within their relationship. But to generalize is to err and in television to err in this way is not human but inhumane.
But what really should make everyone mad is her comments about single women in Manhattan. She implied that some women are too smart with men and that because these men are dumb, they should be treated as such.
 This statement should offend anyone. Why? Because she inevitably says that women have to be someone their not to get someone they should be lucky enough to get. I think that's all wrong. If you're smart be smart, don't overcompensate for the fact that you meet someone who can't understand how you operate. People who play pretend, never really end up happy.
 And for someone who's job is to make sure people are happy, she should know this above anything else.

You Are..Not the Mother!

 Last week's premiere of How I Met Your Mother greatly excited me until the very end when they showed one of Ted's (Josh Radnor) ex-girlfriends. Not just any ex-girlfriend, but one from seasons past. And by seasons past, I mean at least five or so. That's right. Victoria (Ashley Williams) is back. Why? I wish I knew. Because obviously at this point in time, it's safe to say she's  not the mother and hopefully not related to her either.
 In my opinion, this is a step backwards. I hate when Ted's girlfriends come back and he gets all stirred up. She wasn't the mother, let's move on. And I believe Victoria was a bad girlfriend anyway. Why? She's too much like Ted. Too sappy, too nostalgic, too vulnerable. If they see each other again and sparks fly, this could only spell disaster. Not to mention another group of episodes with her.
 Tonight they face each other at an event and who else is there, but Robin- the girl he cheated on Victoria with. One can only see where this goes. But my real hope is that they stick to the present so we can finally get to the future.
And can anyone answer why the slutty pumpkin is coming back?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Great X-pectations

 The X-Factor debuted on Wednesday to decent ratings. But for the heavily anticipated, Simon Cowell produced extravaganza, it was a slight misfire. The ratings for Wednesday night were only at twelve and a half million, only half of what the latest season premiere, of network rival Idol netted. What happened? Why is this show not gaining enough attention?
 Well, in my opinion I think people are finally tired of being over-saturated with similar shows. Besides the X-Factor on Fox, there's also American Idol, NBC's The Voice and The Sing-Off as well as general variety show America's Got Talent which also includes singing. I think people are finally tired of watching a different version of the same thing.
 There's only so many approaches that a concept can take before it gets worn, which is why people are now tuning out to the supposed next big thing. This new season has proven that there is still an appetite for scripted programming that is original. Reality shows with an established audience like The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars are still proven favorites, however competition shows are really becoming a dime a dozen.
 So is the celebrity judge. To be honest, they are as detrimental to the process in some ways because alot of people watch for the judge rather than the actual new or fresh talent. But then there are judges who have little recognition like new Sing-Off judge Sara Bareilles who replaced new  X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger. While both aren't household names, the level of trust someone has with an identifiable and highly successful talent is greater than someone with a niche appeal.
 Essentially these shows become re-launching pads for the careers of judges rather than a way for new talent to gain a foothold in the ever changing music industry. Let's be honest even though there are ten winners of American Idol, there are only about two or three who really have maintained and established success and those aren't even the winners. Take for instance Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson. While her foothold was a combination of talent beyond the Idol stage, how many more stories like that will we hear?
 Here's hoping the X-Factor lives up to x-pectations.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The New Girl in Town

 "The New Girl" is poised to be a hit. Starring the super-adorable Zoey Deschanel as Jess Day, a recently dumped young woman, it relates to many issues that Generation Y faces. Jess is trying to surprise her boyfriend at home by surprising him, but discovers him cheating and has to move out. So out of necessity moves out of the apartment and moves in with three random guys she found on Craigslist.
 From the beginning, it is shown that Jess is struggling with her breakup. She is watching "Dirty Dancing" on repeat and constantly sings "I've Had the Time of My Life" to the dismay of her roommates. They try to cheer her up, so they can party and eventually help find her a date.
When the guy is revealed to be a jerk, they ditch the party and find Jess.
 This show has potential because it involves issues young adults face like living in a digital age, dating and commitment, and friendship. I also like how all of the characters are seemingly facing real things like breakups, priorities and work commitments. I hope this show continues in its success.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Uptown Girl Meets Downtown Girl

 2 Broke Girls premiered following Two and Half Men. While it has a similar premise in connecting two opposite personalities together, it also draws on some sex humor. With a diversely funny cast, the show seems to have enough wits to be a hit.
 Caroline (Beth Behrs) is a newly broke heiress, out of money because of her dad's Madoff like antics. Max (Kat Dennings) is the streetwise young waitress, trying to make enough money to live. Their worlds collide when Caroline begins working at the diner that Max works at. They clash initially, but seem to have a shared lack of money that push them together.
 At first Max doesn't really trust Caroline because she lied about her experience and seemed to think marrying ketchups meant clinking bottles together. However, after Max finds out that Caroline's friends left her in the cold and that Max's boyfriend hit on Caroline and then cheated on her, she changes her mind. Caroline, of course, wants to accept her generosity but her standard of living sometimes getting in the way of seeing Max's genuine friendship.
 Caroline who is an accomplished business school graduate, devises a plan for them to open a bakery and tells Max that this goal can be reached in a little over a year. Max is skeptical but receptive and so decides to give it a try. At the end of the show, there's an amount shown of how much they've made so far. It's a clever way to remind us that starting from the bottom isn't always a bad thing.
 I think this show will do well, especially when it moves to it's regular time slot after How I Met Your Mother. The two shows compliment each other just as the Chuck Lorre produced Two and Half Men and Mike and Molly work well together. While 2 Broke Girls is no family comedy, anyone can relate to having a dream, an unexpected friend, and a lifetime full of stories. This show is definitely one to watch.

Kutcher Enters the Building

 Ashton Kutcher is known for many things. Demi Moore's cub of a husband, the dumb one on That 70s Show and finally the guy who played all the pranks on Punk'd. Now he's gunning for a new role, the new rich heartbreaker on Two and a Half Men.
 Two and Half Men premiered last night and from all the buzz, it may not have been that funny but it sure was interesting. Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen) died on the train tracks in Paris after running away with the crazy neighbor Rose (Melanie Lynskey). Of course, there was every woman Charlie had a significant relationship (meaning more than1 night) with at the funeral as well.
 Charlie and Alan's( John Cryer) mom (Holland Taylor) also tries to pocket quick money from the sale of the house and has some familiar buyers stop in. John Stamos as a former associate of Charlie, who is haunted by a painful memory. And then there's Dharma (Jenna Elfman) and Greg (Thomas Gibson) reprising their famous roles. Finally, when Alan is memorializing Charlie's ashes, Walden Schmidt (Ashton Kutcher) shows up after attempting suicide.
 Walden is depressed and trying to drown himself in the ocean after his wife leaves him, but unfortunately gets too cold and decides to go to Alan's place to try and rectify things with his ex. To no avail, he doesn't succeed but ends up getting a drink with Alan and gets into some familiar antics.
 By the end of the episode, Walden decides to buy the house. Luckily for Alan, he will not have to move in with his mother and suffer the humiliation of being a broke chiropractor, however he will suffer the humiliation of being 2nd banana to Walden.
 The jokes unfortunately were too crude and when they were funny, it was few and far between. Ashton Kutcher is gentler because he has the sort of sensitive man appeal that could garner more female viewers. However, the still running sex gags are old and not even clever. What I didn't understand was that Walden was so initially disgruntled with his life he couldn't love a woman, so how did he suddenly become up for a threesome? I don't think that's how it usually works. John Cryer was of course genius as usual being the depressingly awkward straight man.
 This could work for at least one more season, but I think it's seriously time for CBS to break up with Two and a Half Men.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Whitney Goes for Comedy Gold

 I got to see an early preview of Whitney courtesy of On Demand. The verdict? Funny, but not groundbreaking. Why do I say that? Well, the truth is it's unique in some ways but the reliance on cliches and archetypes from past television shows hold it back.
 The cast is mostly full of unknowns, starring comedienne and actress Whitney Cummings as Whitney Cummings and Chris D'Elia as her boyfriend, Alex Green. The show begins with Whitney struggling to get ready for a wedding which she is not looking forward to. She finally makes it to the wedding, but then realizes she's wearing the same color as the bride. After the ceremony, Alex and Whitney are chatting with their friends, one couple, one divorced woman, and one creepy cop.
 Of course from here you can tell what's going to happen. Whitney begins to struggle with keeping her relationship hot after one of her friends talks about different statistics from Cosmopolitan and then devises a plan to put the "sexy back" into their relationship with the help of her friends.
 This is where the show falls apart. While there are so many  clever jokes and pop culture references (the Kardashian joke being among my personal favorites), it's also too cliched. Her mother, played by comic actress Jane Kaczmarek, is a bitter multiple-divorcee with negative thoughts about marriage and men. As a result, Whitney has an implied aversion to commitment and struggles with this.
 Her boyfriend is okay with her shyness towards the altar and says he will love her anyway. This is a sweet moment, but there's no real insight into their relationship or anything; it just kind of hangs there in the balance.
 The divorced friend is also like the mother in her bitterness towards men and the other friend in the relationship is deliriously happy with her relationship. Unfortunately, these friends are not memorable and only funny because of the lines they're given.
 Since this is the pilot episode, there's room for error but hopefully the kinks will work themselves out before Whitney nears the chopping block.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Second Banana: Teen Phenoms

 Greyson Chance recently appeared on Ellen to promote his new music and tour. However, besides Ellen he isn't garnering much attention since his viral cover of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi." Why is this? He seems to be talented and have a knack for writing his own material. But the real problem lies within the timing. He was second in a new emergence of teen idols. So I present Second Banana Part Two, the Teen Phenom edition.
 Back in the late 1980s Tiffany and Debbie Gibson both emerged as new pop princesses. However, Debbie Gibson is fondly remembered as a multi-talented producer, writer, and singer and still does Broadway. Tiffany was featured on an episode of the VH1 show, Where Are They Now? and had to do Playboy for attention ten years ago (Debbie Gibson did as well, but to less fanfare). While they recently united for a tour, it's obvious that Tiffany still has to compete with Debbie Gibson for the spotlight. Debbie Gibson held a twenty year record for being the youngest artist to have a number one that was self-written and produced. Tiffany was known as a one-hit wonder who did a cover of the Tommy and the Shondells hit to reach the top of the charts. Debbie Gibson was known for her well-produced and choreographed videos. Tiffany's most memorable video was footage from her infamous mall tour. While it seems that they are both fondly remembered, Debbie Gibson's impact is still more highly regarded.
 Britney Spears is still topping the charts and recently won an award for her achievements in music video at the MTV Video Music Awards. Her former Mickey Mouse Club co-star Christina Aguilera is on NBC's The Voice, but her album sales and hits seemed to have stalled. At the time of their debut on the teen scene, Christina was considered to be the better talent with her astounding voice and delivery. Britney seemed to appear as the headline-grabbing sex-kitten with shocking antics. The climax of the media-fueled rivalry culminated at the 2003 MTV VMAs when they both kissed Madonna. The problem was that everyone only remembered Britney's kiss because it was first and afterwards they panned to her ex-boyfriend JT for a reaction instead of seeing the Christina kiss. Christina later fumed about this, but it didn't matter. The pop torch had been officially passed from Madge to Britney. They even collaborated on "Me Against the Music." Christina continued to receive critical acclaim, but Britney continued to dominate the charts. Even in her tumultuous period, she dominated from afar. They both started families and had relationship issues, but still even now Britney is the icon and Christina is a great talent.
 Justin Bieber has been capitalizing on Bieber fever since his meteoric rise nearly three years ago. His YouTube postings featuring covers of Justin Timberlake and Usher hits resulted in the two artists in a battle to sign him. While he ended up with Usher, he meteorically rose to success on hits like "Baby" and "Somebody to Love." He successively embarked on a multimedia takeover with everything from a concert film to nail polish. Greyson Chance had a famous YouTube video that landed him on Ellen and Ellen's newly formed record label. While he's had success online, there's yet to be a result that has been close to the Biebs. However, they're both still young and things could change. But it's hard to overcome the curse of the second banana.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trying to Erase the Hate

 A new show will debut tonight on the CW. It's called H8R. This show is created in a Punk'd like format for those who don't like a certain celebrity and that celebrity randomly confronts them to dispel rumors and misconceptions. I think this is a great idea, whether or not I agree with the choice of celebrity. There's too many anonymous commenters online, snarky bloggers with too much attitude, and people who feel that because of the internet you can say whatever about whoever and not be accountable.
 I disagree. Whatever you write, rather you are bold enough to sign your name to it or not, you should be accountable. I recently heard about a woman who posed for provocative photos or videos (I don't remember) in her past and they were online. When she went to check YouTube, there were snarky comments made by random users about her appearance. She filed a complaint to find out about these people's real names and whereabouts and won. It just goes to show that because of the internet and the lack of accountability, people feel the need to say whatever and then get offended when people demand their rights to the truth.
 This show is created by a woman with a gay relative, who although not famous, has dealt with alot of judgment and chastisement. So she can see how the internet age has turned many people in our society into judgmental, close-minded, venom-spewing cowards. I say cowards because anyone who doesn't put their real name or identity online for people to find out. That's why I'm not afraid to sign my real name to my work, because it's my opinion, my research, or my thoughts and anyone who wants to challenge that respectfully has that right. Just like I think these bloggers who truly get a rise out of us by being negative and demeaning to public figures feel like they have that right.
 Yes celebrities can be irritating because they don't understand the everyday person's struggles, they are out of touch with reality, they feel a sense of entitlement that extends to the law and beyond, or they just do stupid stuff. Who doesn't? I don't feel this culture of negativity and judgment does anything but create a society of people who will say anything online, but face to face will not own up to what they really think. If you don't like someone's behavior say so. But how can you hate someone you've only learned about through blogs, interviews, and appearances? I think people can appreciate and admire from a far, just like they can judge from the shadows. We'll never know the truth unless we see that person and see who they are beyond the speculation. That goes for anyone in our lives rather they're on tv or not.
 I hope this show does succeed in opening people's eyes to see beyond what's fed to us through blogs, gossip shows, and such. I think we owe it to ourselves to face the truth rather than just try to blog about it.

H8R NY Times